Wednesday, December 3, 2014

BD portuguesa imagines the impact of climate change in 2055

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A group of Portuguese authors are preparing a comic you want to inform about the consequences of climate change in Portugal. The book is called 2055 Portugal and helped a crowdfunding project to reach EUR 800 needed for printing.

The printed copies will be distributed by schools, libraries, environmental organisations, supporters or the authors of the project. So far, according to the authors, were raised €403 â€" 50% of the value â€" leaving about two weeks before the project finish.

See the project in the PPL.

Who support the project, the authors offer examples of this and another book. Entries will still be distributed at the National Museum of Natural history and science â€" which supports the project â€", reproductions of drawings of comics and original drawings.

The book will be printed in full color and will have approximately 80 pages in the A4 size, containing 10 chapters in which are discussed various topics such as forest fires, coastal erosion, heatwaves, human health, tourism and agriculture.

The BD has Bruno Pinto argument and participation of illustrators as Carla Rodrigues, César Évora, Filipe Gonçalves, Fil, Miguel Santos, Nuno Rodrigues, Penim Loureiro, Rui Alex, Sofia Pereira, Susa Monteiro or Mexico Saints.

The argument of the book was reviewed by the team of professor Filipe Duarte Santos, da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa.

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