Sunday, December 7, 2014

Glaciers of Glacier National Park may disappear in 2030

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Climate change have unfortunate coincidences. As this, in the United States: the glaciers of Glacier National Park, which give you the name, may disappear in 2030. According to scientists at the USGC (US Geology Center), within 15 years remaining glaciers in the Park, something that had never been placed on the table before.

The glaciers are very visual examples of how the weather is heating up globally, since they are very sensitive to the environment that surrounds them and therefore used to predict long-term climate evolution.

According to Inhabitat, scientists will use this example to try and figure out where the most extreme climate changes occur.

Glacier National Park occupies the Rock Mountains, on the border between Canada and the United States, and it's covered in snow since it was discovered. When was exploited, in 1910, about 150 glaciers occupied space, but everyone must disappear until 2030. Today, just 26 glaciers are found in the Park-124 were lost in just over a century.

See or remember the beauty of the American Park.

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Fotos: GlacierNPS/Ephraim Ragasa/Emily Hildebrand/Don DeBold/jankgo/Loco Steve/Creative Commons

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