SPV's campaign shows the various ways to separate the packaging waste
This Christmas, the company green dot shows the Portuguese the many ways of separating and recycling. Whether through the use of ecobags, reusing containers, boxes, or bags, colored according to the SPV, the most important thing is to get all the waste to the recycling bin. This is the main message of the campaign that the company green dot in this festive season debut in radio and press."The time we crossed is lavish in terms of waste generation. However, with the contribution of the entire population, there are ways to minimize the impact that these have on the environment, such as using recycled wrapping paper Christmas decorations and durable, not using dishes and disposable cutlery and, as expected, the separation and disposal of packaging waste in the proper recycling facility, namely the glassat this point the holidays, is widely used, "says Luis Veiga Malik, CEO of green dot Corporation.The need to maintain awareness of recycling was one of the reasons that led the company green dot to launch this campaign at this time of year. Once used, the used packaging should be separated and transported to the nearest recycling facility using ecobags, colored or garbage bags, among others, reusable bags. The campaign draws attention to the many ways that exist to separate packages to contribute positively to the environment and to the creation of wealth for the Country.In order to encourage domestic separation of used packaging, clarify the rules of recycling all that already separate and collect data on the habits and attitudes of recycling, Green Point society has, since December 2013, the mission to recycle, the largest awareness-raising initiative for the recycling of packaging ever held in Portugal.By the end of 2014 already were visited 1.2 million homes. At the end of the action, in mid-2015, the mission will Recycle contacted 2 million households and equipped more than 340 thousand homes with domestic ecopontos. The action is coordinated with the municipalities and Municipal systems, providing the conditions to which an increasing number of Portuguese can separate their packaging waste if they are to be sent for recycling.
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