Monday, January 6, 2014

Los Angeles: jaywalking is more expensive to park illegally

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Los Angeles is repressing passersby that circulate in the city illegally, particularly those that cross roads outside the walkways or when the signal is red. However, the fines applied to these transgressors are heavier than those applied to drivers who do not respect the code.

The cheapest ticket for parking in prohibited places in this Californian City is €42, and the most common one is €53. Comparatively, cross a street illegally â€" an "art" that is already known for "jaywalking" â€" can cost €144, referred to Quartz.

The effort that the authorities are doing to punish violators legally is a reaction to the revitalization of downtown Los Angeles, which brought more people into the streets without their cars. The problem is that the city was built for cars and not to passersby.  In fact, the "jaywalking" is encouraged by the automotive industry, that by making the streets dangerous for passersby benefits from an increased demand for automobiles.

Foto:  ubrayj02 / Creative Commons

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As the buried skeletons influenced the construction of the London underground

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Yesterday, we wrote here that archaeologists have discovered a number of skeletons in the expansion works of the Mexico City metro, leaving on standby to new infrastructure and molding, perhaps, the location of future seasons.

The phenomenon, however, is not restricted to Mexico City. In London, according to the book Necropolis: London and Its Dead, the construction of The Tube-one of the most amazing and complete metro systems in the world â€" was highly complex. Due in part to the large amount of skeletons that the soil is home to London.

According to the author of the book, Catharine Arnold, the city is completely full of bodies, improvised cemeteries and wells created during the time of the black death. These eventually influence the location and construction of metro stations.

The author also gives a clear example of the difficulty with which planners and engineers found themselves in the middle of the 19th century, when the construction of the subway and ripped solidified its expansion. There is a clear change of direction on the Piccadilly line, East of South Kensington. "Actually, the curve tunnel between Knightsbridge and South Kensington stations because it was impossible to stick to the mass of skeletons that remains buried in Hyde Park," explained Arnold.

In other words: the soil is so dense, due to the interconnectedness of the skeletons of victims of the great plague in the 17th century, that the excavation teams from The Tube, 200 years later, failed to even enter this land.

The metro bypasses to avoid this incredible congestion of skulls, legs and arms attached to the ground â€" an artificial geology made from people. Interestingly, after all this time, as the city was molded to the expansion of the metro, to buildings built later, and how it all broke the decisions taken for several centuries.

In short: urban planners from 200 and 300 years â€" as well as decision-makers and public hygiene authorities-unintended London's current influencers were. You can meet other histories of the book here.

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Box of television is the apparatus which spends more energy

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When you switch the box on television it is assumed that the appliance stop wasting energy. However, these devices â€" such as most electronic devices â€" continue to spend some energy, since it still connected to the mains.

And these devices are those who spend more energy. In the United States, for example, more than 100 billion kilowatts per hour of energy are wasted every year, which cost the Americans more than €7,9 billion (US $ 25.5 billion), referred to Grist.

The wasted energy translates into wasted money on the electricity bill. And, at the same time, more energy is consumed unnecessarily, which means a higher consumption of resources and increased pollution.

The television boxes use more energy than other devices, because, in fact, are never turned off. The problem of the energy expenditure of these TV gadgets worsened with the introduction of the technology of digital video recorder (DVR), which allows the user to record a program at pre-defined time and watch later.

According to ABC News, a DVR device consumes 40% more energy than the devices that do not allow recording. However, there are solutions to reduce the waste of energy, although the telecommunications sector is not very willing to make changes to equipment. Programming the devices to turn off in the middle of the day or night, when they are not being used is a way to save on electricity bill.

"To reduce energy consumption, companies may make changes to the software without additional costs to implement the night mode or program the hard drives to spin when not taping can reduce energy consumption between five to seven watts", indicates the New York Times.

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Sunday, January 5, 2014

5 tips to start travelling by bike

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Seven years ago that the Brazilian Jonatha Junge works in the field of cycling, giving tips to anyone who wants to see the world on a bicycle and, in parallel, helping learners to overcome some initial difficulties.

The sustainable planet, Farha, owner of bicycle touring, Backcountry paths explained that you don't have to be an athlete to get a project like this. "All we need is available," he stressed.

The Paths of the Interior plans to bicycle tours in Brazil â€" especially in the southern region of the country â€" and promotes a closer contact with the people and local culture. According to Jonathan, the bike is a versatile vehicle, and can be transported in the car, boat or train. Also fits in a hotel room or Board and, above all, do not pollute the environment.

See the five expert tips.

Travel with the support of experts

Organized by travel agencies rely on tourist guides, maintenance crews for bicycles and cars. If someone is too tired, you can dump the bike and continue by car.

Adapt your bicicletaAs bikes for cycling are hard to find, by that, what many people do is adapt to mountain biking. We recommend that you raise the handlebar and put a more comfortable seat. These adjustments improve posture and extend the field of vision â€" the installation of trunk is essential for longer trips.

Start gradually, in your cidadeAntes thinking about travel, do short rides to get used to it. Lisbon has several kilometres of bike lanes, that can be an excellent training for anyone who wants to start an adventure like this.

Worry about security

Always wear a helmet and eye protection (prevents bugs and small stones from entering or harm your eyes). The gloves protect your hands in case of falls. The doorbell, signaling front, rear, lateral night and on the pedals, and the rear-view mirror on the left side are mandatory items on the bike.

Join the a group of ciclistasEsteja always in contact with who are interested by the subject. Look for groups that organise cycling nighttime or Rails on weekends. "Travel accompanied is more fun and safer," concluded the specialist. In Portugal, a visit to the FPCUB Web site can be a good option to enter the world of cycling.

Foto:  polmuadi / Creative Commons

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New York: new mayor wants to end the carriage rides

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The new mayor of New York, Bill de Blasio, wants to end the centuries-old tradition of carriage rides in the city. This Monday, Blasio reiterated that one of the first actions you will take is to fulfill the promise to remove the electoral horses from the streets of New York.

"Let's get rid of the Chariots, horses, period," said the new mayor that began on January 1, the functions referred to in the Huffington Post. Second Blasio, this industry is a form of animal cruelty.

However, for years the animal rights advocates protested the movement of cars in Manhattan, dating back to 1858, the drivers of the chariots claim that the animals are treated well and that there are other interests associated with the intention to prohibit the movement of those vehicles.

"Horses don't belong in a congested city and urban design, where constantly breathing pollution and circulate among the dangerous traffic", defends the NYCLASS, an animal rights group that wants to end the practice.

"People spend, see the horses and think it's a kind of slavery. But I don't really know that this is the life of a horse, "said Fred Lam, a leader of these carriages. "The horses are strong, are healthy and working for a living. If you don't do this, they get depressed, "he argues.

If the plans of Blasio are implemented, drivers of the chariots will go to court. "This isn't over," asserts Christina Hansen, carriage driver and spokesperson for these professionals. "You can't get rid of an activity which is perfectly legal and well regulated ... just because a few people don't like".

Some drivers doubt still the true motives behind the ban who want to implement. "There is a group of people that is feeding this nonsense. The person who is financing this campaign is an individual with interest, "said Dave Koch, another driver. "His name is Steve Nislick [co-founder and President of NYCLASS]. He is interested in buying the ground where the stables are located near the Javits Center, to build hotels, "says Koch.

According to the New York Post, NYCLASS spent €564,3 million to attack the rival campaign of Blasio, Christine Quinn, who was a supporter of the chariots on the streets of New York. The intention of ending with the horse-drawn carriages is implemented, the new mayor of New York intends to replace these vehicles by vintage trams, which will be conducted by professionals who now lead the horses.

Foto:  Gane / Creative Commons

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Saturday, January 4, 2014

Illinois: population of wolves back to normal numbers 150 years later

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For 150 years, the wolves were hunted to extinction in Illinois, United States, having returned only in 2002, in small numbers. Now, according to the State Department of natural resources, the population will have numbers already considered "normal":

The increase in the number of wolves has an explanation: the population of wolves from nearby Wisconsin began to explore other lands, taking this species, until then extinct, to recover the habitat their ancestors.

After a first sighting in 2002, these have become normal in recent years. The vast majority of wolves came from Wisconsin, a State with nearly 800 animals.

Still, according to Joe Kath, endangered species specialist with the Natural Resources Department, we are still far from seeing wolves normally settled in Illinois. It is good news, however, the fact that the sightings are increasing.

Also because of this new scenario, explains to the Associated Press, local authorities have already begun to outline strategies for managing the conservation of wolves.

Foto:  Todd Ryburn / Creative Commons

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Friday, January 3, 2014

Opposition from England and the Czech Republic to 500 might cost renewable thousand jobs in Europe

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About 500 000 jobs are at risk in Europe, if the United Kingdom and the Czech Republic (in the photo, the capital Prague) continue to oppose the European plan to reduce CO2 emissions, based on the development of renewable energy. The plan extends to 2030.

Both British as Czechs aim to choose how they can reduce their carbon emissions â€" the idea of the European Union, however, focuses on the overall increase in the proportion of renewable energy.

So, United Kingdom and Czech Republic intend to, for example, ensuring the reduction of CO2 emissions through nuclear energy. These negotiations take place since last spring, when European countries began to consider the objectives of combating climate change to 2030 â€" the current plan expires in 2020.

Instead of investing in renewable, United Kingdom and the Czech Republic want an overall objective of reducing CO2 emissions â€" up to 50% compared to 1990 figures. "We need a technological neutral approach, taking into account how each country will achieve their objectives ... establish an objective of renewable energies at European Union level is inflexible and unnecessary," said British Secretary of State for energy and climate, Ed Davey.

However, a preliminary report developed by the European Commission concluded that include targets for energy efficiency and renewable energy to Europe will help create about 568 thousand jobs in the old continent until 2030.

Germany, Denmark, Austria and Finland were already satisfied with these new objectives â€" United Kingdom and Czech Republic are blocking a consensus.

Photo: Moyan_Brenn / Creative Commons

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