Thursday, April 3, 2014

Portuguese business creates for touring unemployed animals in bike

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When Isabel Tomás became unemployed after 26 years working at a market research company, bet on creativity to try to overcome the situation. Like many Portuguese, Isabel turned to business and decided that he wanted to take care and walk dogs and cats from other people. But this babysitting animal has an innovation: sometimes, Isabel travels by bicycle, to allow the animals to run.

"I worked years in 26 market research company and suddenly tell us that we are no longer needed. [Then] we have to start all over again. For 50 years, the chances of getting a new job are very remote, so we must invest in our imagination, ability and love for what you really like to do. I love animals, "said Isabel, who lives in Charneca da Caparica, at least one Car.

Isabel was unemployed for a year and decided to immediately create the Walk with the Isa, with a view to consider the "convenience of the owners of animals that do not always have availability to take the dog out for a stroll refreshing and also to all those who need to leave, whether for professional reasons, or for reasons of leisure".

With the money they received from the compensation of the company where she worked, Isabel invested in what is today the means of displacement, the bike.

"My means of displacement, in addition to the bike (when the weather is really bad), is the bike. It was one of the acquisitions made with the compensation I received "explained at least one Car, noting that" the bicycle is an asset in the Walk with the ISA. There is no cost and the service is very cheap ".

Isabel charges € 5 per day for a walk and take care of a dog and € 3.5, also a day for cats.

Each animal is different

Today, Isabel has three fixed animals. "Take care of Bart, a cocker about 16 years. Its owner broke his hip and has a hard time walking with him, besides having some financial difficulties. So I made a special price of € 40 per month, "he explained.

"Ride the Bart in the morning and afternoon, every day of the week, including weekends. Also take care of Marley, a German Shepherd with about four years. I was taking care of him for a week in August, and as the owner finds it difficult to walk with him, I was hired to continue the walk â€" day in, day out, three times a week. The price is € 40 per month, "continued Isabel. Finally, the enterprising strolling Gaspar. "The Gaspar is a mutt old guy who lives in my building. As no longer hold all day, take him for a ride in the middle of the afternoon. The price is € 1 per day, "revealed.

"Like riding a bike. Taste of freedom and also of physical exercise and of course, I use only my energy so I can take these prices so inexpensive. The bike and a 125 cc bike I own are my means of locomotion and my added value in this project ", stresses.

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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

What are the best gardens of port?

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"The port is not known AS a CITY of parks and gardens, despite its city park being the largest in the country. But there are many, of all sizes, and they have many happy moments. What would be the port without the Botanical Garden, the garden of Crystal Palace or Casa de Serralves? Or the Cordoaria garden, the green carpet that unfolds at the foot of the Torre dos Clérigos, the ex-libris of the city?

We learned in school that the trees renew the air we breathe, give shade and freshness, shelter the birds, and many even give fruits that we can eat. Utilities. But don't explain how is absolutely necessary for our happiness dive in these samples of nature in the middle of town, living with green, being close to these peaceful giants that we transmit peace with his strength property.

A slow walk through a garden begins by arresting our attention on things that don't "see" every day: powerful trunks, leaves almost transparent, colored petals, flower Center where land bees. A spider makes a Web, the leaves whisper in the air, the birds flutter and sing. Walking through the garden alheamo us of our own existence and become observers of a world that is balanced and perfect.

In the garden of the Crystal Palace, the City turns into a rumor in the distance, the houses along the river that runs underneath the bridge where they spend, without noise, toy carts.

Silenced the Bell

What gets to me now is the eco

Das flores

The Botanical Garden, the catos empertigam into hard peaks on a bed of stones. There are nooks

boxwood well-treated involving roses and dahlias, a green wall separating the garden cafeteria where they strolled past the poetess Sophia de Mello Breyner and Ruben a.

The grass around the Lakes of Parque da Cidade is a fresh mattress that the ducks also like to enjoy. Stretched out in the Sun, it's hard not to have warm thoughts and calm, feel happiness up for fingers and smile unwittingly. There the background awaits the sea and the hustle and bustle of the beach cafes, but the best part is it take to get there, taking the long way, Earth, amidst trees and flowers.

The water is so cold

How can the Seagull

Fall Asleep?

The Casa de Serralves Foundation has a multifaceted Park where we can read a book on the grass, go through a tunnel of liquidâmbares or admire an alentejan olive tree with about 1500 years. There's always a quiet corner where he discovers the beauty of eucalyptus flower symmetric, or the leaves of Hazel. A rosary disciplined stretches near the tea house and the queues of Heather bring the mountains to the city.

The garden of St. Lazarus, the oldest of the port, the Jardim da Cordoaria, Carregal or of the virtues are only a few more moments of peace and green. There are gardens scattered throughout the city, and to meet them will need own vehicle â€" or to rent a car.

For those who have little time, it is recommended one morning in the City Park, which offers the rare opportunity to finish the tour with your feet in the sea, and reserve the afternoon to stroll in the gardens of the Crystal Palace, which offers some superb views of Gaia and the Douro River, until sunset.

Shall cease the day

But not the corner

The skylark

Find a list of parks and gardens of the port here. ”

Travel journalist, Ana Isabel Martinez has published in Portuguese magazines as the big story, around the world and Routes, Destinations and Spanish &, like Discover and the Altair. Right now she dedicates herself with equal interest to travel and vegetarian food, regularly publishing the findings and oddities in site Landscape eaters. Is the Green Savers reader and writes regularly here.

(The haikus are Japanese zen poet Matsuo Basho, withdrawn from the Lone dew Taste followed by the narrow path, published by Assyrian & Alvim.)

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The fascinating ruins of the subway of Rochester, New York

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The rapid transit system of the city of Rochester, in New York State, little remains today. The network of subway lines was opened in 1927 and closed at the end of June 1956.

The system is built on a branch of the Erie Canal, which was disabled. However, like many other cities, Rochester's ambitions quickly turned to the suburbs and, with the municipality's investment in roads, the fast transport system, comprising 24 seasons, quickly stopped being used.

This transport was not completely similar to metro, but was referred to by users as such. Only a small part of the route was made underground, the rest being route made below the level of the roads but the surface.

In 1947, it was estimated that the system was used for 5.1 million passengers annually, says the Atlantic Cities. But, with the advent of the car in the years 1950, municipal authorities have begun to cut back on service.

Part of the route was recently salvaged and integrated urban transport system that links Rochester to New York. However, stations and kilometres of remaining route became places of choice for the graffiters and urban explorers. This former rail line can be freely exploited since the networks aren't closed nor is there any kind of ban. See some pictures of this fascinating piece of history of mobility.

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Young American has discovered how to save millions with font change documents

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The letter "e" can be written in pen ink or printer. This vowel is the most used letter in the English Dictionary. Now imagine the printed millions of times â€" in various formats and documents â€" and the amount of ink that is required and costs involved.

This is what thought Suvir Mirchandani, an American teenager of 14 years who developed a savings solution for the United States, which can reach the €269 million (US $ 836 million) annually. Just that Government authorities and u.s. Federal change the font used in the official documents printed.

Savings lies in the amount of ink that printers spends to print a document. High school student of Dorseyville, near Pittsburgh, Mirchandai came to this conclusion when printed schoolwork and calculated how much spent on ink. The project has grown and the student turned out to present it at the science fair at your school.

APFill software, that allows you to spend less ink and toner in printers, Mirchandai calculated the amount of ink wasted to print the letters "e", "t", "a", "o" and "r", the most widely used. The young based their calculations on four fonts-Century Gothic, Comic Sans, Garamond and Times New Roman. Subsequently, increased the size of the letters, printed them, cut them and weigh them. After three trials, built a graphic about the amount of ink required to print each font.

Mirchandai concluded that the Garamond type is allowing greater savings. Given the spending on General Services Administration paint of Obama â€" about €342 million ($ 1 billion), the student discovered that if the Government changed the Times New Roman model by Garamond could save up to 30% on ink-€ 99 million (US $ 307 million). If local governments also made the Exchange could be spared €170 million (US $ 528 million). In total, the savings would be €269 million (US $ 836 million) annually.

The student's proposal hasn't had an official response from the Obama administration, but the Manager of the federal Government's prints Department, Gary Somerset, considered the proposal as "remarkable", CNN.

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Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Prague: former television tower transformed into hotel

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The Žižkov television tower located in Prague, the Czech Republic, is considered by many to be an eyesore, a legacy of the Czechoslovak Eastern-inspired megalomania. However, this was not enough to stop the One Room Hotel in creating a room in dita Tower, an interesting cultural point located 230 metres above the city's streets.

In contrast with the Communist-era foreign projects, the hotel room features a contemporary design, luxurious furnishings and modern technology.

With a price per night is around 650€, the visitors of the hotel can also have a different perspective of the city, from the Observatory located at the top of the tower. On the ground beneath it lies the Oblaca restaurant.

Users of this hotel can enjoy a bathroom with glass walls, which allow you to relax in style and watch the city skyline from your secluded hideaway.

Originally built between 1986 and 1992, the Tower consists of three concrete pillars with a metallic finish. This TV tower still serves as a shelter for the transmission equipment that is supposed to have been used for the operation of the communications zone West, during the occupation of the Communist country.

Although Žižkov continue to be a stone in the shoe of the inhabitants of Prague, new Setup reduced the hatred of the population. A good example of urban redevelopment.

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The penthouse stylist green Diane von Fürstenberg

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Situated between two historic buildings, the main store of Diane von Fürstenberg is a green mark in Manhattan, New York. At the top of the store is the luxurious penthouse's designer, which has a green roof and demarcates the remaining companions, of neighborhood.

The penhouse was built on the existing secular building roof. The space includes a semi-hexagonal glass structure, which is the source of natural light a wide staircase that connects the penthouse offices and shop, through several floors and illuminating the building. The ladder also has mirrors heliostáticos in Swarovski crystals, which help to direct the light from the South to the lower floors.

The building is equipped with efficient, LEDs still referred to Inhabitat. The green roof garden helps isolate, diverting rainwater and provide green space for the stylist.

The store and the apartment of Diane von Fürstenberg are an example of adaptive reuse of buildings, blending modern forms with green elements and respecting the historic architecture of the buildings.

. fancybox-wrap {position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: 8020; }. fancybox-skin {position: relative; /* margin-top: 20px! important; */background: #222222; color: #74b32e; text-shadow: none; -webkit-border-radius: 2px; -moz-border-radius: 2px; border-radius: 2px; }. fancybox-opened {z-index: 8030;} . fancybox-opened. fancybox-skin {-webkit-box-shadow: 0 10px 25px rgba (0, 0, 0, 0.5); -moz-box-shadow: 0 10px 25px rgba (0, 0, 0, 0.5); box-shadow: 0 10px 25px rgba (0, 0, 0, 0.5); }. fancybox-outer,. fancybox-inner {position: relative;} . fancybox-inner {overflow: hidden;} . fancybox-type-iframe. fancybox-inner {-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;} . fancybox-close {background: url('wp-content/themes/codistage/styles/fancybox/exit.png') no-repeat; width: 25px; height: 25px; float: right; margin-top: 10px; margin-right: 5px; }/*. ng-gallery-image img {width: 565px; height: 393px;}*/O telhado verde de Manhattan1of 11jQuery (document). ready (function ($) {var thumbContainerWidth = 0, thumbs = Array (), selectedIndex = 1, thumbIndex = 1, imageOffset = 7; $ ('. ng-gallery-thumbnail-box '). each (function () {thumbs.push($(this)); }); /* thumbnail navigation */$ ('. ng-greensavers-thumb-next '). unbind (). bind (' click ', function (e) {e.preventDefault(); if (thumbIndex< == (thumbs.length-imageOffset)) {$ ('. ng-thumbnails-container '). stop (). animate ({left:-$ (thumbs [thumbIndex]). position (). left}); thumbIndex + +; } }); $ ('. ng-greensavers-thumb-prev '). unbind (). bind (' click ', function (e) {e.preventDefault(); if (thumbIndex >1) {$ ('. ng-thumbnails-container '). stop (). animate ({left: $ ('. ng-thumbnails-container '). position (). left + ($ (thumbs [thumbIndex-1]). position (). left-$ (thumbs [thumbIndex-2]). position (). left)}); thumbIndex--; } }); $ (window). load (function () {/* set thumbnail container width */$ ('. ng-gallery-thumbnail '). each (function () {thumbContainerWidth = thumbContainerWidth + $ (this). width () + 10; }); $ ('. ng-thumbnails-container '). width (thumbContainerWidth); }); });

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NaturaPura: ecological and chemical textiles made in Portugal

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Founded in the remote year of 1999, a textile engineer from Braga, NaturaPura chose ecology to differentiate in the textile sector, at a time when the word sustainability still little said to brands.

"We give the guarantee to the consumer that he is buying a product that respects the environment, since the cotton plantation until the final product," explained to the green economy commercial brand Director, Christine Aguilar.

This philosophy explains that NaturaPura products have only three colors, all linked to the original tone and natural cotton. "The cotton plant is like tulips or roses. It grows in raw, green and Brown. It comes in branch and our partner, certified with the European eco-label, comes to the spinning part, make the mesh and wire to knit the pieces together, "continued Christine.

Cotton is imported from Peru and processed in factories that Natura Pura ensures, in the North of the country, a process that comes to save 60% of the water consumption and 30% of energy expenditure, as compared with the conventional production system.

In the textile â€" said â€" conventional, the cotton must be washed, goes to the dyeing, the fabric is washed, dyed, washed again. The fabric is washed, NaturaPura once.

The absence of chemicals is another of the features that is communicated by NaturaPura. Thus, their products reduce the risk of allergies and are also recommended for the most sensitive skins.

"We have some peculiarities. Don't use polyester lines, but only 100% cotton. We try to avoid seams in newborns or infants clothing, "concluded the responsible.

NaturaPura brand already has eight stores in Portugal, being also sold in several other countries, including in the appetizing Japanese market. The company has grown 20 percent annually in the last two years, and will open soon new points of sale, in Portugal.

See the episode 230 of the green economy.

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