Obese dog lose more than 20 pounds and becomes calendar template
There was never any moment when Obie wasn't adorable and affectionate. But his health was not the best so far. About two years ago, the little dachshund five years led a lifestyle that could lead to an early death.Initially, Obie belonged to an elderly couple with the best of intentions but who often gave him food and sweets as a way to show affection by the animal. Being elderly, the couple not practiced much the animal and with the excess food that was given, Obie came to weigh 35 pounds, more than twice the normal weight for a dog of this breed of small businesses.Eventually, a relative of the couple realized the plight of the animal and contacted an Association of animal rescue to help in the case. Shortly before, Nora Vanatta, a veterinary technician, had knowledge of the situation of Obie and volunteered to stay with the animal. So he took the animal in August 2012, Vanatta started improving the health conditions of the little dog.No more excess food and high-calorie, which was traded for a diet with fewer fats and high protein content, designed especially to help dogs like Obie to slim down. Progressively, the excess weight of Obie began to disappear. In the first week the animal lost three pounds, but his body was not yet ready to support the exercise.With the passage of time and as the dog was going to lose weight, the new owner was introducing new activities for which Obie if shifted more. After six months the animal was weighing about 20 pounds, closer and closer to the ideal weight-11 lbs. But in the spring of 2013 came a new problem to Obie. As had lost so much weight, excess skin was making your new healthy lifestyle.Then, in April 2013, Obie underwent a surgical procedure to remove excess skin. After recovering from the operation, Obie was totally unrecognizable and more playful than ever.In total, Obie has lost more than 22 pounds in 12 months. "Obie is evolving very well and with a stable weight, between nine and ten pounds", indicates Nora Vanatta, cites the Dodo. "There's some residual fat pockets on the sides and has no muscles toned as you would expect, but is healthy overall," he adds.To celebrate the feat of Obie, Vanatta created a calendar where each month corresponds to the evolution of the little dog. The aim is to help animals, or even people in the former situation of Obie.Fotos: Obie Dog Journey
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