Friday, August 30, 2013

Carbon emissions can be used as a building material

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Scientists are still trying to find ways to minimize and reduce CO2 emissions through innovative ways and less natural. Now, an Australian project says it will be possible to transform the captured CO2 into carbonate bricks, which can be used in the construction.

The project is being developed by scientists at the University of Newcastle and Orica and GreenMag â€" the three entities form the Mineral Carbonation International â€" and will start the test period in a factory of €6,7 million ($ 21.5 million), built within the University itself. The carbon is captured by a unit of Orica, a chemical company.

"In nature, the process is very slow. Our challenge is to accelerate it to prevent CO2 from accumulating in the air, "explained Eric Kennedy, of the research center of Energy Priorities of the University.

Second Bodgan Dlugogorski, which is also part of this Centre, the factory will allow tests in high school and determine cost savings and emissions reductions compared to other methods.

"The fundamental difference between this process and the other is that we turn the CO2 permanently in a usable product," explained Dlugogorski to the website of the University.

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