Monday, September 30, 2013

12 nothing but friendly animals that help us to live better

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Rats, bats and sharks â€" these animals don't seem to be particularly beautiful and it is believed that they are a threat. The Huffington Post comes precisely prove otherwise. See how the creatures that follow can help people and the environment in ways you never imagined.

1. the sharks help us breathe

To eat the old and sick fish, sharks keep the ecosystem healthy and control the accumulation of algae in the ocean. Scientists predict that if the sharks didn't exist, the levels of algae would be sky-high, making oxygen levels skyrocket and affecting all life on Earth.

Furthermore, humans are much more deadly to sharks than they are to us â€" the man kills some 11,417 sharks every hour.

2. the rats sniff bombs

Mice have an extraordinary sense of smell â€" are so accurate that in Mozambique, have been used to eliminate more than six million square meters of hidden explosives.

3. snakes eat mice

Although mice may be useful, they also spread a number of dangerous diseases. Fortunately, the snakes are controlling their number, and the other carriers of ailments, to feed them.

4. the rottweilers protect us

Although the rottweiler being touted as an aggressive breed, their defense can be very beneficial. In England, in 2010, a rottweiler named Jake saved a woman who was being raped in a park, attacking the attacker.

5. the Chipmunks gives us trees

These small rodents are one of the largest collectors of all time. They love storing nuts â€" and meet so many often forget where they left them. It turns out that those nuts become beautiful trees â€" and we, of course, appreciate it.

6. frogs warn us if the water is clean

When the toads aren't too good, we probably are not going to be. If the frogs are sick, this is a clear sign that the water quality is not at its best.

7. the spiders are good to eat

Maybe not so much for us, but the spiders are delicious for fish and birds. These animals eat so many spiders that, if they didn't exist, they would not survive. Already the spiders also like to eat a lot of insects with which we sympathize, like mosquitoes, flies and cockroaches.

8. the seals help us to study climate change

The seals are known to be a bit mal-humoradas, but their skills while swimmers in the depths they help us a lot. Researchers have them connected sensors to better discover the ocean circulation patterns-in other words, these animals can help save the planet.

9. The bees give us fruits

At the same time to make honey, bees support 80% of growth of agricultural crops. This means that, without them, we would lose a number of foods such as strawberries, apples, peaches, walnuts, among many others.

10. bats help victims of stroke

Bats can seem scary, but actually help save lives. The saliva of bats has been used to dissolve blood clots in victims of strokes. And their feces are a great natural fertilizer.

11. the beetles help regulate the ecosystem

The beetles play a very important role in our lives, eating other insects and promoting biodiversity. Dung beetles help in decomposition to the feeding of animal waste and decomposing corpses.

12. the Beavers avoid flooding

These animals are very useful â€" they build dams help prevent natural flooding, droughts and forest fires.

Photo: under Creative Commons license

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