Monday, September 30, 2013

Terrestrial oxygen has over 700 million years older than previously thought

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A new study reveals that the oxygen first emerged in 700 atmosphere millions of years earlier than once believed. The discovery was made by scientists at the University of British Colombia, in the United States, and the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, which looked at soil of South Africa with three thousand million years old â€" the oldest soil in the world.

The Earth was formed 4.6 billion years ago and, based on the chemical composition of the soil, scientists believe that the oxygen that caused their evolution came about three billion years. Previously, it was believed that oxygen began to accumulate in the atmosphere for only about 2.3 billion years.

Sean Crowe, co-author of the study, argues that this event forever changed the composition of Earth's atmosphere and have finally led to the evolution of animals and humans.

According to the Huffington Post, the study was published in the scientific journal Nature.

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