Friday, September 13, 2013

Fish-Gotha voted the ugliest animal in the world

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The fish-drop-or fish-bubble â€" was considered the ugliest animal in the world by "friends" of the Ugly Animal Preservation Society, in an unusual contest with a noble purpose: to draw attention to the animals that are endangered, few times are referred to in the press: the ugly.

The fish-drop (blobfish) received 795 votes in more than 3,000 considered valid by the Ugly Animal Preservation Society. The Association will honor the fish-drop in a way also unusual: he will be their new mascot.

According to the Association, all endangered species, the ugly animals need more help to be preserved, since they are less appealing to the masses.

"A long time ago that we needed an ugly face to the endangered animals [We], and it was with great surprise that we noticed the reaction of the public. For a long time, the cute animals and beautiful received greater attention, but fish-drop will be the voice of the animals always forgotten, "explained the President of the Association, Simon Watt.

In addition to the fish-drop, also the OWL Parrot, the Axolotl, salamadra the frog titicaca and the proboscis monkey reached the top 5.

Drop fish lives on the southeast coast of Australia and in Tasmania and is at risk of extinction due to the fishermen who accidentally catch in their nets.

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