Friday, September 13, 2013

Portuguese project transforms old picture frames in thematic frames (with video)

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According to the musicians of the American rock band Guns n ' Roses song Sweet Child o' Mine was written in just five minutes and counted with the collaboration of five members. It was one of the biggest musical hits of years 80 and proof that inspiration has no defined time periods: or without having or not.

He was also a true inspiration, we can say, what happened when Gonçalo Pina e Melo came in as a guest on MC Capital â€" and graphics out, five hours later, with a business designed.

"I came to the Capital MC do playback of a specific poster. I spent five to six hours and left with a project proposal ", explained to the green economy. The project is called Afterframes and transforms old or damaged frames in thematic frames.

The company has four partners, all with different formations, and joins several areas of interest: interior decoration, music and recycling. And yet the James Oliver, as you can see here.

It is also a way to preserve the history of frames that, of old and damaged, are appealing. Gonçalo admits that had this idea several years ago â€" of making trips abroad â€" and began working the frames for his own House.

Was one of these frames that, curiously, came to the Capital ordering MC, when the business was designed. "It was an attractive project," explained to the green economy Paulo Cardoso, one of the partners of Afterframes and responsible for the graphics. For Paulo Cardoso, the deal allows you to recycle part of the card that would otherwise be considered waste.

The first collection is themed concert posters of the years 50, 60 or 70. Another decade and perhaps have a recycled frame with allusion to Sweet Child o' Mine, the one song that was written in five minutes. A little less â€" very little â€" the creation of Afterframes.

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