Monday, December 30, 2013

5 essential foods in the diet

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What products are essential in the diet? The Eating Well has recently published a list of foods rich in vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients to our body. Learn more about its properties, a suggestion from my aggregator.

1 Tomato 

Approximately 100 g of tomato contain 19 calories. Their vitamin C and carotenes (lycopene) are antioxidants that fight aging and muscular and cardiovascular problems. Prevents the appearance of various types of cancer (prostate, lung, stomach, breast, mouth, cervical and colorectal). It is diuretic and depurative, eliminates uric acid and lowers cholesterol, in addition to alkalize the blood.

2. Potato 

Approximately 100 g of potato contain 89 calories. Contrary to what you may think, it is ideal for diets (cooked or baked). There's no fat and is very satisfying. Revitalizes, since it is a complex carbohydrate, slow absorption, which supplies the body of sugars and carbohydrates slowly. The bark contains potato polyphenol oxidase, with antibiotic properties. Its fiber lowers cholesterol. Potassium maintains the heart and healthy blood pressure, preventing embolisms.

3. Peas

Have 67 calories per each 100 g. Prevent the absorption of fats, reducing bad cholesterol. And contain quercetin, a flavonoid that helps prevent cardiovascular diseases. Act as its content, revitalizing of proteins. Have a lot of dietary fiber, which acts as a laxative, and are very saciantes. Are also an excellent source of vitamin B1, indispensable to the nervous system. So don't lose vitamins, after break, should be cooked in a little water.

4. Chicken

Contains between 110 and 201 calories per 100 g is a very poor digestive meat in fat and cholesterol-free, if you remove the skin. It has antioxidants that fight aging. Promotes the proper functioning of the nervous system and energy production.

Is a good ally in maintaining skin health and the digestive system. It is even ideal for weight control diets. The thighs, more red meat, contain almost double than the iron chest, but are also more caloric because the skin has a lot of fat.

5. Plums

Approximately 100 g have 36 calories. Has diuretic properties and is ideal for diets because it is a fruit that quenches and almost no fat. Ingest 200 g per day for a week, helps fight stress, fatigue and depression. Strengthen the heart and the defenses and help decongest the liver. This fruit contains antioxidants, which slow down the effects of aging. And reduces excess uric acid. Its fiber content also makes her a very fruit laxative.

Foto:  Joelk75 / Creative Commons

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