Friday, February 21, 2014

Flavors galore: the biological farm that you want to spend to sell directly to the public

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The Flavors of Sauces is an organic farm located in Oliveira de Azeméis. The project was born from the hands of Isabel Malheiro Araújo, an agricultural engineer who in 2010 decided to fulfill the dream of making real a draft organic farming not only produces and should market vegetables and fruit, but were an engine of environmental education and sustainability.

Through a contract of lending, Isabel Araújo rented the land where today is located the Flavors of sauces and, from 2011, began planting various vegetables and mixed orchards. In August 2012, the project has gained a new partner, Raul Santos, agricultural engineer.

The challenge for 2014 is to get society to the fifth. In 2013, the mentor of the project won the approval of a project of the PRODER, for recovery of premises in ruins that the land offers. The aim is to deliver this year's grocery store on the farm.

With the birth of this Bodega, Isabel Araújo and Raul Santos intend that the fruits and vegetables grown on the farm can be sold to consumers directly at the premises of fifth and not just once a week, through the Agrobio market hampers of Aveiro.

The goals for this year include the creation of a library and a teaching kitchen, the idea is to promote organic farming and environmental protection, as well as promote the creation of jobs and "make increasingly the difference in rurally de Aveiro".

In addition to the biological products that produces sauces, Flavors still invests in educational environmental actions, being assiduous presence in schools and in different municipal initiatives.

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