Thursday, February 20, 2014

The beauty of the abandoned bus stops of the United Kingdom

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Recently, the News Magazine of the BBC visited one of the abandoned bus stops of rural Cumbria zonal and asked readers if they considered that that was the nearest abandoned the United Kingdom.

This stop serves the village of Milburn, in Eden Valley, the location of the United Kingdom that has the more sparse population and is utilized by about six to seven passengers per week.

Several readers responded to the challenge of the BBC and suggested alternatives even more abandoned than this stop of Cumbria.

1 and 2. stopping the sheep nuts from North York Moors, England

Located in Dale, on the border of the North York Moors National Park, a small concrete shelter serves as a bus stop. The nearest homes are miles away, on the other side of Dale, and who want to catch a bus subject to wait hours and can only do only on Tuesdays. The only route that serves this stop has as destination the town closest to Guisborough. To pass the time, who waits for the bus, you can always admire the scenery or the stop graffiti, including a sheep nuts.

3. removal from Islay, Scotland

This stop is located at Glenegedale Airport, one of the airports of the island of Islay, in Scotland. Although this airport several flights per week to Glasgow, Oban and Colonsay, this stop was claimed for the sheep. Still, there are a few buses that serve this stop, but more often to see if you look at the stop than passengers.

"3300BA0497", England 4.Paragem

The Cricket Ground is located in Clumber Park, in England. Isolated in the middle of the natural park, the site is also known as "3300BA0497" Transport Department of Nottinghamshire, since most of the people who know this stop are the employees of this Department. Several years ago that has no regular bus stop. However, the site still has some utility, since it can serve as a point of rest or park visitors shelter on rainy days.

5 and 6. stopping the 23A, England

Once a year, a bus part of Salisbury Plain to the abandoned village of Imber. The trip, which began to be made five years ago by a group of bus enthusiasts, takes passengers to the site which was evacuated by the British Ministry of defence, in 1943. The old location was evacuated to serve as a training ground for American soldiers during World War II and remains to this day training camp for the British army.

7. removal of Cape Wrath, Scotland

This bus stop is not ticked. It's just a stopover of minibuses that are the rails of Cape Wrath, the Northwestern most point of Britain. Access to the site is done only by ferry and minibuses are the only non-military vehicles that run through these tracks. There is no regular schedule in passing and using these minibuses is only for tourist purposes and made with markup.

And dear reader, do you know any semi-abandonada bus stop in Portugal? Send us this forum and site for

Foto: geezaweezer/Creative Commons

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