Saturday, April 26, 2014

The 15 fruits and vegetables with less pesticides

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Buy fruits and vegetables in any commercial surface and hope they don't contain pesticides is almost impossible today. However, contrary to popular belief, there are some vegetables and fruits that contain little or no pesticides, oddly enough.

Annually, the Environmental Working Group â€" an American entity â€" publishes a list of fruits and vegetables with less pesticides, as well as a list of products that contain more pesticides.

The "Clean 15" of 2014 bit differs from list of 2013 and, although the considerations are for the North American market, offers us a perspective of what we buy and eat. The drawing up of the list was based on an analysis of more than 28 thousand fruit and vegetable samples collected by the food authorities of the United States.

The Environmental Working Group catalogued after foods based on six degrees of contamination. The products that integrate the list this year, the entity did not find any food that would test positive for more than four types of pesticide and about 7% of the samples contained only one type of pesticide, referred to the Huffington Post.

See the list of fruits and vegetables with less pesticides of United States.

1. Corn

2. Onion

3. Pineapple

4. Avocado

5. red cabbage

6. Pea

7. Papaya

8. Manga

9. Espargo

10. Eggplant

11. There

12. Grapefruit

13. Meloa

14. sweet potato

15. Mushrooms

Foto: Muffet/Creative Commons

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