Friday, May 23, 2014

Grândola: garbage collected by the sea will be valued

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The trash collected by 200 Brigade volunteers from the sea, in the municipality of Grândola, Alentejo, is valued. This is the first time that the Association will these residues, despite the gathering takes place annually since 2009.

According to the Association, the schoolchildren, youth and senior of the parishes of Carvalhal and Melides is already proceeding with the separation of waste collected on beaches.

In the first year, the Brigade of the sea-beach cleaning project, held annually during 15 days between Troy and Melides-collected about 30 tonnes of waste. In 2010 about fifty volunteers gathered 15 tons of garbage. In the following years appeared even more volunteers, who joined enterprises, involving a total of about 500 people.

"The amount of garbage removed in the last five editions exceeds 80 tons, being notorious still result in recovery of the dunes and vegetation pioneer," explained Green Savers Cindy Santos, communication Division of the municipality of Grândola.

In recent years, the project has collected several tons of hazardous waste, of pills the corrosive liquids, oil drums, syringes or animal carcasses.

"Year after year, increase the logistical support, visibility, and the willingness to proceed with this project. The decrease in the quantity of waste collected is a sign that after all worth it believe that the difference in attitude is possible, "concluded the responsible.

Sea Brigade represents Portugal in this edition of let's Clean Europe and had already been distinguished, previously, with an honorable mention on Green Project Awards.

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