Friday, May 30, 2014

USA: young 14 years builds home in 18 months

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Sicily Kolbeck, a young girl of 14 years who lives in the State of Georgia, United States, just recently a megalomaniac project for her age: she built with the help of some people, a small house.

Sicily decided to build this small annex 12 years when he was, for a school project. Without any experience in the field of construction, Sicily has accepted the help of father, Dane. Initially, the young lady concerned to arrange financing for the construction.

In just one month, she managed its initial objective, € 1,800 ($ 5,600) and launched the blog of the project, called La Petite Maison. The father, enthusiastic for bricolage, began to put the House up, but Sicily had to help him.

Then, there was a tragedy. Dane died in a car accident, and Sicily has lost all interest in the project. A few months later, however, a friend of Dane convinced her to finish the job, to honor his father.

Taking advantage of the fact that Luke Bair, father's friend, be civil constructor, Sicily learned to wield the tools safely and, a year later, was finally able to build your dream home-La Petite Maison.

According to Bair, the House will be worth about € 12,300 ($ 37,400) and can be moved from one place to another â€" and that's what will happen, in the forthcoming summer vacation.

See some of the pictures of the various phases of the project and read the whole story on CNN (in English).

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