Monday, September 15, 2014

The Blue Lagoon geothermal with regenerative powers

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The Iceland is a fascinating country in many respects and its blue lagoon with regenerative powers is no exception. The name derives from the amazing blue color which features and the waters that feed comes from runoff of a geothermal plant located nearby.

These waters have regenerative characteristics and function as a kind of Spa, with temperatures between 37 and 40 degrees Celsius throughout the year, attracting millions of people annually, referred to Inhabitat.

The bright blue of the lagoon is due to high concentrations of silica, minerals and algae. Although the water itself is a milky white shade, sunlight reflects silica and algae add a bit of Green pigment. In the end, the result is a luminous blue.

Although the other geothermal lagoons of Iceland are also rich in minerals, only the ratio of minerals found in the Blue Lagoon has regenerative characteristics, ideal for people with skin problems such as eczema and psoriasis.

In the background the lagoon there is a geothermal plant. By taking advantage of this type of energy to generate electricity, the Iceland managed to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels. In 2011, about 66% of the energy produced in Iceland came from geothermal resources.

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