Tuesday, November 11, 2014

American city will create tax on soft drinks

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Berkeley, in the u.s. State of California became the first town in the United States and probably the world to impose a tax on sugary soft drinks. The introduction of the measure was the vote and, according to the local press, 75% of the voters were in favor of the tax.

To dissuade the residents of Berkeley to vote in favour, the soft drink industry has launched a massive campaign, which in addition to have cost €1,36 million had not any effect among consumers, referred to TreeHugger.

Excessive consumption and regular soft drinks is associated with a large number of health problems, including diabetes, obesity and lower life expectancy, according to several scientific studies. Public health authorities indicate that taxing these drinks may discourage frequent consumption.

Was ever attempted to introduce a similar proposal in San Francisco, but to no avail. Also Michael Bloomberg, former mayor of New York, tried to limit the super size soft drinks, a proposal that eventually fail.

Foto: Steve Hopson/Creative Commons

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