Tuesday, November 11, 2014

As the astronauts from the International Space Station have become stars

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It all started a year ago, when the Canadian Chris Hadfield started putting on their Twitter accounts and Facebook hundreds of photos taken at his space mission. This action isolated became trend when astronauts Reid Wiseman (USA), Maxim Suraev (Russia) and especially Alexander Gerst (Germany) started their own space adventure â€" which ended this week in Kazakhstan, after 166 days in orbit.

Throughout this time, the astronauts were in constant contact with a global audience of more than half a million followers, between Twitter and Facebook.

"His mission underscores how social networks have become a component of space programs â€" especially for the international space station (ISS), which has long been debate about the need to find American financing," explains the Quartz.

This renewed interest in the ERA could mean an eye-opener for their primary financial backers, and all this is only possible due to the beauty of the Earth, our planet, and the technology.

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1. The three astronauts

2. South Africa

3. França

4.via Lactea

5. Saudi Arabia

6. Berlin (Germany)

7. Nuvens

8. Planeta Terra

9. Cologne (Germany)

10. Planeta Terra

1. Alaska

12.Barragem of Aswan (Egypt)

13. Aral Sea, Central Asia

14. Tagebau mines (Germany)

15.Ilha of Agilkia (Egypt)

16. Frankfurt (Germany)

17. África

18. Cologne (Germany)

19. Etna (Italy)

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