Friday, November 7, 2014

Portuguese Architects develop new concept of sustainable penthouse

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The Portuguese Architects Michele Maika and Tiago Barros developed a new concept of sustainable penthouse, a project that visualizes a new solution to live on top of the buildings, in an urban environment. "There's top floors which are forgotten in the cities, and can be rethought and readpatados," explained Green Savers Tiago Barros.

The architects propose an apartment with slanted Windows and which form a perfect angle, offering 360-degree views over the city. The Windows are connected by a green roof slightly curved.

The terrace has multiple functions: it can absorb rainwater, providing insulation to the apartment, reduce urban air temperature and create a habitat for birds in the city. It consists of precast concrete slabs, waterproof membrane, a drainage layer and a auto-irrigação system and live plants.

Inside the penthouse for three different spaces, one for relaxation, a dining area and a bedroom. All have the same size and the partition walls have all necessary equipment to life on a day-to-day basis, since machines for the kitchen, storage and cables. Access to the apartment is through the pre-existing building.

"These urban typologies can be instsaladas on various terraces across town. The sustainable penthouses can be essential to animal life in the city and help improve the environment and conditions for the well-being of its citizens ", Tiago Barros concluded.

Tiago Barros is already a well-known architect in Green Savers. Record your 2011 interview and other of his projects. The Lofty Corner, the Digital Revolution, the Passing Cloud and Sky Network.

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