Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The best and worst environmental facts of 2013 (with lists)

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The financial and economic crisis continued to influence the sustainability and environmental awareness in 2013, according to the non-governmental organization of Quercus environment, you just draw up their list of best and worst environmental events of the year.

"The financial crisis we are going through at present, in addition to the decrease in the welfare of the majority of the population, has done also by diverting the attention of public opinion of the serious environmental problems that continue to live, both locally, as global", explains the organization.

"Following a logic centred in the short term, and often under pressure from international bodies that influence our policies, we have been witnessing, also in the environmental plan, the various decisions based on short-term objectives, rather than focus on stocks with positive implications in the medium and long term," continues to Quercus.

Meet the best and worst environmental facts of 2013.

The best environmental facts of 2013

1. Container Terminal of Trafaria

"After a disastrous process of imposing a draft that nobody truly knew what it was about, of the mayors involved the national parliamentarians, behold, the Government, in the person of the Secretary of State for transport appears to give up one of the biggest mistakes for the regional planning of the metropolitan area of Lisbon and to the national port strategy. Now define the latter within the framework of the maritime spatial planning. "

2. SILiAmb â€" Integrated environmental licensing System

"The SILiAmb originated in a previously developed system for the licensing of water resources at regional level, having been expanded all over the country and to other contexts, such as the waste. The APA (the Portuguese Agency for environmental protection), in a context of merger and integration of multiple information systems, provided this excellent platform SILiAmb, which allows for greater speed, efficiency, transparency and simplicity in the relationship with citizens and businesses, proving that environmental legislation is not an embarrassment and that the problems there are almost always when public authorities are poorly organized and create bureaucracies inconceivable in an era of dematerialization. "

3. water safe "according to the latest Annual Report of water services and waste in Portugal (RASARP 2012), published by ERSAR, the regulatory authority of the sector, 98% of the water supplied by public supply systems has good quality and is safe."

4.60% of electricity consumed in Continental Portugal resulted from production by renewable sources in the country

"Portugal collects the fruits of an investment policy initiated in the early part of the century, although some environmental impacts are recognised, is one of the main reasons for the reduction of our external economic dependence, to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, in addition to generating employment. The decisive role renewables allowed Portugal the 3rd place in the climatic performance index of developed countries. "

5. Excellent breeding season of the Iberian Lynx in Silves

"At the National Center for Iberian Lynx reproduction in Silves, born 17 calves, 15 of which are currently purchasing behaviors necessary for their survival in the wild, so they are suitable for reintroduction operations."

6. Plan of urban waste (PERSU) provides 50% recycling in 2020

"The new municipal waste Plan to 2020 envisages ambitious goals of recycling, but perfectly feasible, since for the first time a plan of this genus recognizes the importance of the Mechanical and Biological Treatment to increase recycling. Also reinforces the importance of separate collection and door-to-door PAYT system (pay depending on the waste produced). "

The worst environmental facts of 2013

1. real estate and tourist Projects

2. new works in protected areas-Veiguinhas dams (Bragança â€" PN Montesinho) and Ribeira das Cortes (Covilhã-Serra da Estrela PN) and construction of new road Ã"lo sludges-Barreiro (Vila Real â€" PN Alvão)

"The year was marked by the advancement of two more unnecessary works: the dams of Veiguinhas and Ribeira das Cortes, as well as the construction of a new road in the Park of Alvão, located, respectively, in the municipalities of Bragança, Covilhã and Vila Real. All of them are located in protected areas and will destroy significant natural values, without any justification as to its necessity, and using public funds irresponsibly. "

3. Disinvestment in renewable energies

"Portugal has an enormous potential for the use of various forms of renewable energy production in a future where the weight of the electrical energy in final energy is increasing. Support decentralised investments, with lower environmental impacts, generating economies of scale and lower prices, it is essential for the country. The Government, with badly made accounts and short-term logic, triggered in 2013 the stagnation of the sector with environmental, economic and social consequences for the future. "

4. environmental impact Declaration favourable to the mining Project of good faith, Évora on the site of Community importance of Monfurado (Natura 2000)

"The Government decided to allow the installation of a complex of mineralized auriferous deposits exploration in a total area of 99.56 acres in the parish of Nossa Senhora da Boa Fé, Évora municipality, being part of the projected area within the site of Community Importance Monfurado (Natura 2000). The uncertainties own gold price fluctuations in the international markets and the lack of guarantee of the assumption of the risks and costs associated with the implementation of all the measures envisaged for the refurbishment of the area, as well as for the prevention, monitoring and control of possible future accidents situations, demonstrate that this is a bold initiative that just might bringas the history of mining activities in Portugal has proven, more costs to taxpayers in the near future. "

5. environmental impact statement favorable to detail plan of Praia Grande (Lagoa dos Salgados)

"Another decision which puts into question the performance of the State Secretary of the environment, in deciding in favour of the claim of Finalgarve â€" a company of what's left of society Lusa business â€" in order to allow for the construction of the tourist resort of Praia Grande (municipality of Silves), next to Lagoa dos Salgados."

6. review of the plan of the Tagus International Natural Park

"The process for reviewing the plan of the Tagus International Natural Park is another bad news for those who advocate the preservation of natural values in Portugal, since the Government's decision will allow browsing without rules throughout the year in the rivers Tagus and Ponsul fault scarp in areas essential to the reproduction of the black stork."

7. approval of the Legal Regime of Afforestation and Reforestation

"With the approval of the Legal Regime of Afforestation and reforestation, in Council of Ministers on May 30, is repealed legislation since the beginning of the last century, as the forest regime, by removing restrictions on planting of fast-growing forest species around springs and cultivated agricultural land. This new Regime will hinder the natural species of plantation forest and facilitating Portuguese arborizações of monocultures of eucalyptus trees, being as well as a reverse action of the civilizational forestry services. "

8. Government's inability to manage the waste issues

"Continue to verify major problems at the level of the Secretariat of State of the environment and of the Portuguese Agency for environment in the management of various waste issues, in particular the huge delay in permits for the managing bodies of packaging and other streams, in total incapacity to control the management of waste electrical and electronic equipment, in the continuation of serious illegalities in the management of end-of life vehicles and in the definition of municipal waste recycling targets too low for Li and Valorsul. Still exists a lack of considerable control of the destinies of the waste, which has mainly to do with the huge delay in the introduction of electronic guides. "

9. pollution of the river Noéme (guard) continues

"Also at the local level, various situations affecting the environment continued unfortunately occur in Portugal. The year 2013 ends without polluting discharges, clearly visible in the final stretch of the river says (Noéme River tributary) have come to an end. "

10. Amendment of legislation of environmental protection

"The Government announced and has undertaken the amendment of a very significant set of legislative changes on environmental issues, part of which already implemented during the year of 2013. This is a fundamental change in the legislative landscape and environmental planning, change that which has been prohibited the participation of civil society in General and, in particular, of the various NGOS. It is hard to see how the articulation between the various legal regimes and the changes they guess may be made through a transparent and efficient process between the various public and private entities, are heard only public bodies, with expresses the principle of participatory democracy infringement constitutionally enshrined. "

11. Transcription of the Community directive on the use of pesticides ' Bad transcription of Directive 2009/128CE of the European Parliament and of the Council of 10/21/2009 establishing a framework for community level action on the sustainable use of pesticides, transposed into national law by Act No. 26/2013, of 11 April. The main objectives of the Directive are the reduction of risks from the use of pesticides and the implementation of integrated pest management by all users of pesticides until 1/1/2014. Now, among other changes, were removed almost all references to the integrated protection mode, misrepresenting unacceptably the very spirit of the directive. "

Foto:  AiresAlmeida / Creative Commons

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Members of the Chinese Government banned smoking in public

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The senior officials and members of the Chinese Government have been banned from smoking in public. With this imposition, the Executive hopes to improve the image of politicians and help educate smokers of the dangers associated with tobacco.

In addition to the ban on smoking in public, Chinese leaders were also prohibited from using public funds to buy cigarettes and offer cigarettes or smoking during official acts and public events. The ban was imposed by a new circular from the Communist Party of China (CPC), disclosed this Sunday, December 29.

In China there are more than 350 million smokers and attempts already implemented by the Government in order to reduce the number of smokers have proved fruitless. The ban on smoking indoors has been largely ignored. However, the biggest opponent of Government attempts to Chinese citizens to reduce tobacco consumption is the Government itself.

Currently, China is the world's largest producer and consumer of tobacco. Tobacco sales represent about 10% of the total tax revenue collected by the State and about half of the revenues in the tobacco-producing provinces, refers to Quartz.

Some of the most expensive brands of cigarettes are produced mainly for government officials to offer and receive as gifts. Brands such as "Yellow Crane Tower" or "Diamond", which contain special ingredients â€" such as Caterpillar fungi and manually selected tobacco â€" can cost more than €21,8 per packet.

Although the seven permanent elements of the Central Committee of the CPC not smoking, which contrasts with his predecessors, most senior officials of the party and the Government are.

Photo: Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping between 1978 and 1991 (Center), and Gerald Ford, u.s. President between 1874 and 1977 (left).

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TASTE: receive a basket of horticultural foods directly from the producer (with video)

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If you are one of those who doubt the quality and questioned the origin of the products sold by hypermarkets or a consumer who has a preference for quality products, know that you can now purchase these products, even in urban areas, directly from the producer, without intermediaries, through the project PROVE.

Through the SAMPLE, the consumer can purchase a basket of fruits and vegetables selected and cultivated by a producer in your area, with a weekly, biweekly or monthly. The hampers are delivered in one of the sales points defined.

This project arose in the context of the Community initiative EQUAL, in conjunction with several partners who joined a group of small producers in the Setúbal Peninsula region, Vale do Sousa, Alentejo, Mafra and port, in order to boost the flow of productions.

This proximity marketing â€" since the consumer receives the basket directly from the producer â€" allows a greater rapprochement between the rural and urban communities, fostering solidarity and a trust relationship between the small local producers and consumers. When receiving the food producer without intermediaries, direct contact allows the farmer to share information on the methods and techniques of production, the products used and the care at the level of environmental protection.

In addition to being able to buy higher quality products and speak directly with the producer, the SHOW combines the convenience of online ordering, to choose the products you want to have in your basket simply access the list of fruits and vegetables which can be found on the site and mark you want to or do not wish to receive. The fruits and vegetables available vary according to season and region of the country, as well as the price, with a large basket costs around, on average, about € 10.

The choice of the delivery location can also be set online â€" simply access the order form in your area and select the desired location.

Currently, there are nuclei PROVES in almost all districts of the country, with the exception of Vila Real, Coimbra, Castelo Branco and Portalegre. An explanation for the lack of nuclei in these regions is the fact that they have large rural areas and contact between small producers and consumers be easier, as well as the family agricultural production for own consumption is larger in those areas, explained Isabel Rodrigo, Professor at the Instituto Superior de Agronomia, during the Conference "Planning the Urban food system in the metropolitan area of Lisbon"held at Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

As for the mode of production of the farmers who are part of the project is mostly conventional, since organic production is not profitable and, according to the University faculty member, is "expensive obtain certification for organic production". However, consumers can attest to the quality and question the techniques and products used at producers. Currently, there are already some nuclei that produce in an integrated manner, combining biological practices to conventional, or completely organic, as is the case of one of the cores of Loures.

The TASTE is also an exit door for small productions, which helps producers to circumvent the difficulties in the sector.

Foto:  WordRidden/ Creative Commons

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Monday, December 30, 2013

5 essential foods in the diet

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What products are essential in the diet? The Eating Well has recently published a list of foods rich in vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients to our body. Learn more about its properties, a suggestion from my aggregator.

1 Tomato 

Approximately 100 g of tomato contain 19 calories. Their vitamin C and carotenes (lycopene) are antioxidants that fight aging and muscular and cardiovascular problems. Prevents the appearance of various types of cancer (prostate, lung, stomach, breast, mouth, cervical and colorectal). It is diuretic and depurative, eliminates uric acid and lowers cholesterol, in addition to alkalize the blood.

2. Potato 

Approximately 100 g of potato contain 89 calories. Contrary to what you may think, it is ideal for diets (cooked or baked). There's no fat and is very satisfying. Revitalizes, since it is a complex carbohydrate, slow absorption, which supplies the body of sugars and carbohydrates slowly. The bark contains potato polyphenol oxidase, with antibiotic properties. Its fiber lowers cholesterol. Potassium maintains the heart and healthy blood pressure, preventing embolisms.

3. Peas

Have 67 calories per each 100 g. Prevent the absorption of fats, reducing bad cholesterol. And contain quercetin, a flavonoid that helps prevent cardiovascular diseases. Act as its content, revitalizing of proteins. Have a lot of dietary fiber, which acts as a laxative, and are very saciantes. Are also an excellent source of vitamin B1, indispensable to the nervous system. So don't lose vitamins, after break, should be cooked in a little water.

4. Chicken

Contains between 110 and 201 calories per 100 g is a very poor digestive meat in fat and cholesterol-free, if you remove the skin. It has antioxidants that fight aging. Promotes the proper functioning of the nervous system and energy production.

Is a good ally in maintaining skin health and the digestive system. It is even ideal for weight control diets. The thighs, more red meat, contain almost double than the iron chest, but are also more caloric because the skin has a lot of fat.

5. Plums

Approximately 100 g have 36 calories. Has diuretic properties and is ideal for diets because it is a fruit that quenches and almost no fat. Ingest 200 g per day for a week, helps fight stress, fatigue and depression. Strengthen the heart and the defenses and help decongest the liver. This fruit contains antioxidants, which slow down the effects of aging. And reduces excess uric acid. Its fiber content also makes her a very fruit laxative.

Foto:  Joelk75 / Creative Commons

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Mediterranean diet helps prevent dementia

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A feed based on the Mediterranean diet is the best way to prevent dementia â€" unlike the administration of medicines "doubtful". This is the view of a group of prominent British doctors, who sent an open letter to the British Health Secretary, asking you to invest more in prevention policies.

In the letter, the researchers indicate that persuading people to consume fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts, fish and olive oil was "possibly the best available strategy to prevent dementia, particularly Alzheimer's disease.

"We hope that this crisis can be seen as an opportunity for a true change of policies, notably in the direction of a Mediterranean diet, and not towards the dubious benefits of most medications," wrote the Group's letter, referred to in my aggregator.

To corroborate his advice, the doctors stressed that there are several studies that show the benefits of this diet to combat dementia, but that these evidences "convincing" have largely been ignored.

"Just look at what Drugmakers can do, which really is not much. We want some attention on prevention. Educating all generations, including our children, about the importance of good nutrition in the maintenance of health in old age is a project that will take years, but it is absolutely essential, "says Simon Poole, one of the signers of the medical letter.

"We urge policy makers to not only support the care and treatment of those who already suffer from dementia, but also to invest significantly in jobs that will reveal benefits beyond the temporal period corresponding to one or two warrants of governance," he adds.

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Sunday, December 29, 2013

Nursing home in the United Kingdom saved labrador bankruptcy

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Residents of a nursing home in Somerset, in the United Kingdom, as well as the local community saved recently a labrador from bankruptcy, to allow about € 5,982 to cover the medical expenses of the animal.

The owner of Bob, so it's called the animal died in 2010 and left the dog in the care of her former home. In recent times, the labrador has needed a lot of care doctors â€" due to its advanced age, 13 years-which include acupuncture, massage and hydrotherapy.

When Harold Pursey died, he left all of his money, €797, in the care of a trust fund, (technical cooperation fund), so that Bob could be treated in the future. However, due to the large amount of treatments that the animal has been receiving savings left by the previous owner already has run out.

So that the animal could continue receiving medical care, the staff of the former home of Harold Pursey, who now takes care of Bob, have held events to raise funds for the treatment of the animal. "We're delighted, it was absolutely fantastic, we had no idea that we could raise so much," says Judith Alder, a social worker at the home that now takes care of Bob. "There was a great answer to the cause of Bob. Everybody loves him, "he says.

Bob is in Burnham Lodge Nursing Home since 2009, when its owner moved to the nursing home.

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Saturday, December 28, 2013

The best photos of 2013 for NASA

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The American agency NASA has chosen the most beautiful photos of 2013, all images were taken by satellites and that depict the daily life of many natural phenomena: eruptions of volcanoes, hurricanes, and other examples of nature's fury.

Here are a few of these beauties, made public by the Agency now.

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