Sunday, December 28, 2014

20 unusual friendships between animals

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In November we published an article about the friendships more unsuspected of nature â€" animals that coexist daily peacefully, despite the difference of species, size, weight or even habitat.

This new gallery reinforces our thesis that friendship doesn't choose species: dogs and elephants, Lions, bears and tigers, cats and foxes, all coexist â€" sometimes! -in the middle of nature.

Sometimes it seems that is the man who's moved on this planet, with their destructive actions and almost always unexplained.

Keep the list of the most unusual friendships of nature, now seen by Bored Panda.

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Got any pictures of two animals in perfect communion? Send it to We would like to add your photo to our art news.

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Saturday, December 27, 2014

Russia: online ad sells Gorilla trained to go to the bathroom

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Thousands of wild animals and ivory articles are for sale in 16 countries by more than €8,8 million (US $ 27.6 million), according to a survey by the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), published in the Guardian.

According to IFAW, the most profitable business remains the ivory, with 32.13% of the total value of the illegal trade, but on the internet you can buy good, rare frogs, Tigers, hummingbirds, bears, chimpanzees and a gorilla trained to use the bathroom.

The study â€" the largest ever on the subject â€" found 33,000 animals or items in 16 countries: China, Russia, Ukraine, France, Germany, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, Canada, Qatar, Kazakhstan, Belgium, Kuwait, Poland, Netherlands, Belarus and Bahrain (in descending order of values requests).

Many online advertisers have already been identified and are being investigated by the police, according to The Guardian. "The poaching has reached worrying levels and cybercrime is now a wildlife threatened sinister and silent for the endangered species, which allows criminals to develop their business anonymously," said Azzedine Downes, Chairman and CEO of IFAW.

According to the entity, the wildlife-related crimes worth €15,3 million ($ 47.9 million) per year, i.e. This is the fourth most profitable illegal business in the world, after drug trafficking, smuggling and human trafficking.

"The trafficking of wildlife may seem a remote problem, but the internet leads him to the home of all", explained the English director of the IFAW, Philip Mansbridge.

The problem extends also to Portugal. In July 2013, Green Savers revealed that wild birds were being sold at the portal Portuguese OLX. The situation was denounced by a partner at SPEA (Portuguese society for the study of birds) and forwarded to the authorities.

Foto: Ryan Vaarsi/Creative Commons

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Friday, December 26, 2014

Scientists identify genes that enabled the domestication of the wild cat

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Place a domestic cat alongside his direct ancestor, the Wildcat of the Near East, and it will only take a minute to identify the differences. The two animals have an approximate size and shape and resemble, obviously, the cats. But the Wildcat is fierce, while the domestic cat-thanks to almost 10,000 years of domestication-is gentle and adaptable enough to have become one of the most popular domestic animals.

Now, scientists have identified genetic changes that allowed this domestication. The discovery, based on a high-quality sequencing the genome of the cat, can open doors to further understand how other creatures, including humans, have become more tame over time.

Cats entered the human society about 9,500 years ago, not long after humans begin the first agricultural practices in the Middle East. Attracted by rodents that invaded the barns, the Wildcats have migrated from deserts to the villages. To mingle with humans, scientists suspect, cats began a process of auto-domesticação, where the more friendly benefited from human leftovers and protection.

In thousands of years, cats have decreased progressively in size, acquired a panoply of new colors and patterns of anti-social habits and lost hair from the past. The remaining domestic animals such as cows, pigs and dogs, have gone through similar transformations, although scientists still know very little about the genes involved in the evolution of these animals.

But on the evolution of the cat already know much. And the team of scientists led by Michael Montague, post-doctoral researcher at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Washington, has identified some of the genes involved in the change. The investigation began in 2007 and the findings have now been published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences and identify 281 genes that show signs of rapid or numerous genetic changes, a brand of recent selection in domestic cats.

Some from 281 genes are involved with hearing and vision, while others are related to metabolic processes and an adaptation to a less carnivorous lifestyle. But one of the most intriguing findings emerged when the team has sequenced the genome of 22 domestic cats and bought with the genomes of two types of wild cats.

Investigators found at least 13 genes that have changed as the cats evolved from fierce to tame. Some of these genes are associated with cognition and behavior, including responses to the fear and the ability to learn new behaviors in Exchange for rewards.

"The findings are consistent with what we know about the domestication of cats," says Michael Montague. "The right moment had to become less fearful about the people and places new and incentives in the form of food have helped this adaptation," explains the researcher, cites the News From Science.

Foto: reineckefoto/Creative Commons

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Thursday, December 25, 2014

SPV's campaign shows the various ways to separate the packaging waste

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This Christmas, the company green dot shows the Portuguese the many ways of separating and recycling. Whether through the use of ecobags, reusing containers, boxes, or bags, colored according to the SPV, the most important thing is to get all the waste to the recycling bin. This is the main message of the campaign that the company green dot in this festive season debut in radio and press.

"The time we crossed is lavish in terms of waste generation. However, with the contribution of the entire population, there are ways to minimize the impact that these have on the environment, such as using recycled wrapping paper Christmas decorations and durable, not using dishes and disposable cutlery and, as expected, the separation and disposal of packaging waste in the proper recycling facility, namely the glassat this point the holidays, is widely used, "says Luis Veiga Malik, CEO of green dot Corporation.

The need to maintain awareness of recycling was one of the reasons that led the company green dot to launch this campaign at this time of year. Once used, the used packaging should be separated and transported to the nearest recycling facility using ecobags, colored or garbage bags, among others, reusable bags. The campaign draws attention to the many ways that exist to separate packages to contribute positively to the environment and to the creation of wealth for the Country.

In order to encourage domestic separation of used packaging, clarify the rules of recycling all that already separate and collect data on the habits and attitudes of recycling, Green Point society has, since December 2013, the mission to recycle, the largest awareness-raising initiative for the recycling of packaging ever held in Portugal.

By the end of 2014 already were visited 1.2 million homes. At the end of the action, in mid-2015, the mission will Recycle contacted 2 million households and equipped more than 340 thousand homes with domestic ecopontos. The action is coordinated with the municipalities and Municipal systems, providing the conditions to which an increasing number of Portuguese can separate their packaging waste if they are to be sent for recycling.

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Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The country with more furry animals in the world

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Scotland, in addition to beautiful, is a country of furry animals â€" and no, we're not talking about Duncan MacLeod, the fictional immortal born in Glenfinnan in 1592. Is one more fun fact to add to this nation obsessed with national pride, kilts and football, according to The Dodo.

Keep a list of 12 Scottish furry animals, starting with the magnificent Highland Cow, a cow well hairy.

1. Scottish

She is big, imposing, Scottish and hairy. Is one of the most beautiful animals in Scotland.

2.ovelha black face

The hair of this sheep can grow enough to cover your legs

3. Scottish Cat

This cat has a thick and sumptuous coat to protect him from the cold nights, long and dark winter.

4. Lontra

This animal, even very recently facing extinction in the British island, returned in force due to the Scottish conservation efforts.

5. Bearded Collier

This dog, one of the most hairy of the universe, is typically Scottish.

Shetland 6.Pastor

The Shetland Sheepdog rivals collier bearded in various aspects, including the fur.

7. Skye Terrier

Another canine breed Scottish, and another large amount of fur to withstand the harsh Highland Winter.

8. Scottish terrier

Is probably the best known Scottish dog, and shares many characteristics with the people: loyal, opinionated, ferocious and lover of parties.

9. Cavallo Clydesdale

A native of Scotland, this species of horse includes a hot sock on each foot.

Shetland 10.ponei

The Shetland pony is smaller than the Clydeslade horse, but with a strong personality and a hot hair.

11. red squirrel

All squirrels are hairy â€" or at least its tail is â€" and this doesn't escape the rule.

12. Red Deer

The Scottish red deer is the largest mammal of Britain and is one of the symbols of Scottish pride. Is majestic, has an exceptional coat and an impressive beard.

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Fotos: Wikimedia/Lennart Tange/Peter Trimming/Nick Edge/Blake Handley/B Garrett/Joanne Goldby/Paul Wordingham/Creative Commons

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Chinese demand for ivory is ravaging the population of elephants in Tanzania

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The demand for ivory in China is decimating elephant populations in Tanzania, which the African country where most elephants die due to poaching, reveals a report from the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA).

The Selous reserve, in the South of the country, is the main focus of poaching. In 2006, there were around 70,000 elephants in the reserve and in 2013 there were only 13,000, according to the report. The document indicates that the seizures show that the amount of ivory that comes from Tanzania is greater than the amount from any other African country and is adamant to assign the blame to the Chinese citizens, due to the high demand for ivory in the country.

"This report clearly shows that without a zero-tolerance approach, the future of elephants of Tanzania and tourism industry is extremely precarious," said Mary Rice, Executive Director of the EIA, the Guardian.

"The ivory trade must be waged at all levels, the entire chain of accusation has to be restructured, uprooted corruption systemically and all interested parties, including the communities exploited by criminal organizations, should provide clear support and those who fight this illegal activity on the frontline," adds the responsible.

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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The 7 most beautiful protected forests in the world

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There are more and more urban areas and fewer and fewer forests. This statement is as unquestioned as worrisome. Still, and despite of the cement, the agricultural and livestock and produces deforestation RIP apace, there are still undiscovered forest OASIS.

Some of these sites are so unknown that put them here can be dangerous â€" who knows who's read and what are its objectives. See our gallery, also published in From the Grapevine, and learn about what the forests, more below.

1.Floresta national of Osceola, Florida, United States

Nearby Jacksonville, this pinewood is the ideal place for camping â€" and some people do-and thousands of people pass through here every year, just to enjoy the sights, ride a horse or take a boat tour. The forest is home to a large population of American alligators and black bears, so we must do it carefully.

2. National Park Bavarian Forest, Germany

Near the border with the Czech Republic, this forest receives 700 thousand visitors per year â€" are many. â€" and has several nearby mountains, some 1,500 meters above sea level. Many of the forests of Bavaria were cut when such practice was allowed in the region, but this was reassembled and, today, it is impossible to do so. Fortunately.

3. Floresta Yatir

Not imagine Israel as a country with an extensive vegetation, but the Yatir Forest, next to the Negev desert, is the largest planted forest in the country-with more than 2,800 hectares. The four million trees were planted in 1964 and have a very clear purpose: to prevent the desertification of the area, which once this close to being swallowed by the sands of the Negev.

4. Oulanka National Park, Finland

Situated between the remote regions of Ostrobothnia and Lapland, this park is close to the border with Russia and is the home of the Sami. The Park is very close to the Arctic Circle, and not its distance from civilization prevents it from being very visited.

5. Mendocino national forest, California

Mendocino is the only forest of California that is not connected to civilization by a road. Still, she is always full of visitors, whether hikers, mountaineers, cyclists or boat routes

6. Shirakami-Sanchi, Japan

This forest occupies the mountainous part of the island of Honshu and is a world heritage site. Many arrive the Shirakami to climb the mountain of 1,200 meters or view the waterfalls. Still, and except the roads used by mountaineers, the site doesn't have any path "andável".

7.Darien Gap, Panama

This dense rainforest is part of Pan American route, but is the only place that has no road â€" failed to build one. The forest is not accessible and is only visited by hikers and biologists. There are also indigenous peoples living in the center of the forest.

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Fotos: CrabTree13/Okedem/Willow/Geoff Gallice Wikimedia Commons/C.K. Tse/Creative Commons

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