Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Coca-Cola launches 16 different covers to reuse plastic bottles

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Coca-Cola is launching 16 different covers for its iconic plastic bottle, which allows to reuse in several functions â€" the toy marker or paintbrush, sharpens or SOAP dispenser.

For now, this innovation is only present in the Vietnamese market, according to the American brand advertising itself. Afterwards, will be exported to the entire Asian continent.

According to the brand, the very high number of plastic bottles that end up in the ground, rivers or seas, around the world, was in the genesis of this release. Coca-Cola intends to encourage its consumers to recycle or reuse the bottles.

The caps will be offered to those who buy a bottle of Coca-Cola, a sustainability strategy known as 2ndLives ("second lives", in Portuguese). See the ad.

Released in Vietnam in March, the campaign will come to Thailand, Indonesia and China. Creativity is the Ogily & Mather Beijing. "The idea is universal and can be applied in other markets. These covers can help change consumer behaviour in a simple and amazing. And very smart, "explained Juggi Ramakrishnan, executive creative director of the advertising agency.

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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Where are the Disney characters were created today?

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The forest where she lives the Pooh bear was destroyed, the 101 Dalmatians are in small cages, a test lab, and Mulan uses a mask to avoid Chinese pollution. If some of these Disney characters have been created today, this would be their fate, according to the New York artist Jeff Hong.

The artist is responsible for a series of illustrations called "Happily N'Ever After", which address, with wit and sarcasm, the way the man is taking care of the Planet.

The illustrations depict other iconic Disney characters, such as Small, Ratatouille Sereira or Bambi, but if you continue to follow Hong in Tumbrl, it may be that new characters are portrayed â€" the artist keeps the project permanently updated.

See some of the illustrations of Hong.

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The Portuguese company that promotes the hiring of toys

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What if, instead of buying a toy, opt for a car? This is the central idea of Rent to play, a toy rental online store which operates in the North of Portugal founded a month ago.

The store was born of the need to create a system of rotation of toys for two cousins, Nanu and Tami, which was founded by the dream of their parents â€" the sisters Ana CATIA Jesal Patel and their husbands Ivo Pinheiro and Paulo Costa â€" build a family business, parallel to other professional activities.

After identified this business idea â€" from an experience felt by the own-and a little research by identical ideas, the two couples took the decision to move on. "The Rent to play aimed at anyone who wants to provide maximum fun at children aged zero to six years. There are toys for everyone, from individuals to the parties, holidays, corporate events, waiting rooms or producers of catalogs, "explained Ana Katie Parker Green Savers.

The Rent for Playing ensures that security conditions are "carefully examined", being the toys sanitized after each use. "Our vision [passes] offer more fun for children and greater quality of life for their families and other customers, offering a service that promotes sustainable consumption, the valuation of the shares, the turnover of toys and save money, time and space," explained the entrepreneurial.

Those responsible for the project ensures that the customer pays, on average, only 20% of the selling price of the toy, but the truth is that the prices seem a bit high, even for quality toys-an example is this gym for newborns, whose price of a car for a month is around € 20.

Deliveries and collections are free and made House calls in the Big Harbour and in the headquarters of municipality of Viana do Castelo, Esposende, Barcelos, Braga, Guimarães and Vila Nova de Famalicão.

Foto:  _-0-_ / Creative Commons

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MIT investigates smart mobile for cities of the future

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One of the major trends on the planet, long announced, is related to the migration of people from rural areas to the cities. However, the major cities, we also know there is very little have been doing to prepare for the invasion of population in the coming years, both in terms of mobility or urban sustainability.

Still, there are now universities and technological institutes who are concerned how the lifestyle that these new urbanites will find in large cities: employment to housing.

The big problem is the way in which the citizen will manage this trilogy essential in everyday life: home, work and leisure. Today, there are two trends: anyone who spends a lot of time in traffic to get to work, since it does not give up a spacious House and, often, suburban; and who give up the space to live right near the city centre.

Is for both the MIT Media Lab has released the CityHome, a project which is investigating a smart mobile that fits every room in the House. According to MIT, it is likely that, in the future, there are apartments with no more than 20 square meters, so it is better to innovate while there is time.

This mobile looks more like a smartphone â€" a iHome â€" with traditional furniture. Controlled by gestures, touch or voice, he moves constantly through an internal motor that allows you to transform a Division in kitchen, living room or bathroom in just a few seconds â€" as you can see here.

To be digital, the system can also allow the download of applications for domestic control. "He would work very well in cities where youngsters are pressured to leave, due to high prices of the market", explained Kent Larson, Chief researcher at MIT Media Lab. With this solution, in addition to saving money on rent, consumers need to be constantly buying furniture, alleviating the wallet and the environment.

If, as many say, the major cities are increasingly similar to those Asian metropolises, where millions of people live in small spaces, the better it will look for an alternative. So that our quality of life do not leave something to be desired.

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Monday, June 2, 2014

First edible sunscreen is already on sale

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The days when going to the beach with sunscreen ago may be coming to an end. The Osmosis Skincare, a cosmetic company, produced the first edible sunscreen, the Harmonised H20.

According to Osmosis Skincare, the new sunscreen offers protection of edible 30 lasting factor, which means that exposure to sunlight can be longer without causing burns. Once ingested, the molecules of the liquid product spread in the skin, preventing the penetration of 97 percent of UVA and UVB, referred to in the British press.

The first sunscreen edible liquid will be released soon, in packs of 100 milliliters, with an approximate cost of €21. The product offers two options: self-Tanner and just protector. According to medical instructions of use, must be eaten two milliliters of product every four hours and must wait an hour after ingestion, to which the product kicks in.

The Harmonised H20 dermatological certificates still requires the competent authorities. However, the company that manufactures already has several testimonies of users satisfied with the new sunscreen â€" it is impossible, however, to prove the veracity of these comments.

The product is not for sale on the Portuguese market, but we, as sceptics militants, cheered every time the nose to these innovations. And the reader?

Foto:  carysphotography / Creative Commons

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Ego: the electric submarine for one person

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The Ego is a electric submarine that aims to revolutionize the prospect of open water vessels, since it allows users to be face to face with several marine species at the same time that remain dry.

Equipped with an electric motor, the Ego reaches a top speed of four knots in four hours and can work between six to ten hours on a single battery charge. Its easy navigation system allows users with little or no navigational experience may lead the first submarine semi-compacto in the world.

The unit was built by Raonhaje, which plans to sell fleets of Egos to resorts and other tourist areas, but also to individuals, from the end of the year. Because of its strange shape and minimum depth requirements, the company still plans to offer moorings and custom hoists to interested buyers. The Ego is available in seven colors and was presented last week in Miami, at a fair of boats.

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Sunday, June 1, 2014

Rock in Rio: still there are few who dare to go on two wheels

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About two dozen bicycles are neatly parked in a room â€" built from pallets, sustainable style of Rock in Rio â€" called "bike shed". The muses of two wheels there deposited are faithfully guarded by several volunteers from the Portuguese Federation of Cycling and bicycle Users (FPCUB), awaiting the arrival of cyclists.

However, you must wait some time until an adventurer of two wheels for those stops. When is received with pomp and circumstance, with the photo as a celebrity. In the end, the photos will be assembled into a digital album of FPCUB.

This "bike shed" is a bicycle park with about 100 square metres â€" located next to the ticket office and cloakroom near the entrance of the enclosure â€" that works during the five-day Rock in Rio and offers cyclists a safe place to leave your two-wheeled vehicle while having fun inside the enclosure.

The EDP Bike Park, official name of the space, is an initiative of the organization that is integrated into the festival's sustainability project and has the support of EDP, Lisbon City Council and the FPCUB, as a way to encourage the public to travel to the Park da Bela Vista without recourse to auto.

Those who decide to go to Rock in Rio pedaling and leave bicycles in the "bike shed" are entitled to free minor repairs, made by FPCUB, which for the second time is combined at Rock in Rio in this initiative. How do you explain the President of FPCUB, José Manuel Caetano, the arrangements are not of great rides ". Repair of holes, placement of chains and repairing brakes are the main arrangements made. "The repairs are just so that the rider can come home", indicates the President of FPCUB the Green Savers.

The daily average of bikes coming to an EDP Bike Park not exceeded 50 in the first two days. If the day 25 were stationed about 40 bicycles in the Park, on the day in Lisbon hosted the Rolling Stones the number was lower. However, the FPCUB expects the bike rack get more vehicles this year than in the 2012 Edition, when hosted about 150 bikes in total number of days.

José Manuel Caetano explains the low adhesion of the festival-goers to bicycle as means of transport as a "cultural issue", since the use of two wheels is not yet widespread in the Portuguese population.

Although they are few who opt for two wheels to go these days to the "city of Rock", most festival-goers followed the advice of the Organization and are opting for public transportation, including the metro.

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