Saturday, May 31, 2014

Watch movies on television or streaming spends a lot less energy than DVD

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Watch a movie or any other programming via television or streaming can avoid the emission of millions of tonnes of CO2, according to a study published in Environmental Research Letters. At issue is the business of purchase and rent a DVD, which require much more energy.

The problem is not the DVD itself, but rather in laptops and tablets, which are much more efficient in terms of power the DVD players, large consumers of energy. And there's more: rent or buy DVD requires the movement of vehicles, which helps to consume more energy and consume more carbon.

The study was carried out by researchers from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and Northwestern University and found that if all who watch the DVD in the United States had changed to streaming services in 2011, about two billion pounds of CO2 emissions have been avoided â€" at the same time, would have been saved 30 petajoules of energy, enough in electricity to feed 200 mi homes.

The researchers calculated that an hour of streaming requires 7.9 megjoules of energy, compared with 13 megajoules on DVD â€" and that their issue is 0.4 kilos of CO2, compared to 0.71 in DVD.

Americans watch too many movies and series, even those already finished for some time now. And although the DVD already being almost a historical object, the truth is that Americans watched 17.2 billion hours of content on DVD and 3.2 billion hours of streaming.

Streaming movies must be housed in banks of servers that consume a lot of energy. Still, they account for less than 1% of the energy used to consume the streaming from home, informs the Smithsonian Magazine.

Foto:  Henrik Moltke / Creative Commons

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A shower that recycles water in real time – and save €490 per year

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Water is one of our most essential goods. Even asism, will be a shower which costs € 4,300 (£ 13,000) the most economical solution to reduce the expense of this well? That's what we're trying to figure out this news.

It is common knowledge that mankind has a problem at the level of the water resources. In response, the entity that regulates Ofwat, the water services in the United Kingdom want this shower water recycler is obligatorily implemented in every house until 2020.

But what makes this shower that recycles water so special? The device was developed by Australian company Cintep, which aspires to the shower to help save more than a billion gallons of water until 2017. For every litre of water to enter the shower system, leaving more than three liters of water. Taking into account the results, technology can seem quite complex, but it's actually simple.

The water enters the shower system, as in any object of type, but as will falling, she's collected. Subsequently, the water is pumped into a series of filters. The process is done in real time, to ensure that the water remains hot, not taking longer than 30 seconds. According to Cinetp, the shower recycler allows you to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in 500 kilograms per year and energy in 960 kW. Depending on the use and number of users, the device has the potential to save €492 per year, based on an average eight-minute baths.

For the more sceptical with regard to the way in which the water is recycled, the shower has a pasteurisation system which raises the water temperature to 72 degrees Celsius to remove 99.99% of bacteria, reports the Guardian. Subsequently, it is not necessary to wait for the cold water to temper the hot water. The system is also equipped with a digital system which ensures the temperature and pressure of the water efficiently over the use and which can be adjusted via the internet.

According to the Australian company, it is only necessary to sell 2,500 units of the shower recycler to save billions of gallons of water until 2017.

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Friday, May 30, 2014

United Kingdom: traces of cocaine are contaminating drinking water

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Cocaine use in the United Kingdom is reaching excessive levels. Traces of the drug were found recently in the bathrooms of Parliament; one of the leading clubs in the Premier League, the main Football League, is involved in a scandal with the drug; and a prominent banker was recently charged with possession of cocaine.

Cocaine, unlike many other goods is cheaper in the United Kingdom than in any other country in Western Europe. Thus, the Government estimates that 4.4% of the population between 25 and 29 years consumes cocaine powder.

Drug consumption in the United Kingdom is so high that it has affected the drinking water. Health authorities have recently discovered traces of concen­trations from â€" the way metabolized drugs â€" in four water treatment plants.

The drug was found during tests that were being carried out to assess the risk factors involving the possibility of medicinal products pollute drinking water. Traces of cocaine were identified in the water already treated, ready to supply the homes of British. However, the concentration of drug is not enough to affect who consumed.

Authorities still don't know the source of the contamination. "Especulámos Not on the source of traces and the investigation did not cover this aspect," said Sue Pennison, Inspector, to the Washington Post. In addition to the cocaine, the drug most consumed between the British is marijuana.

Foto:  tanjila / Creative Commons

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British supermarket will sell balls fallen and ugly forms

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The supermarket Waitrose will sell bags of tomatoes that have fallen naturally and others whose forms are irregular and ugly, according to the purchaser of this fruit for the British chain, Peter Cooke.

"When it comes to tomatoes, there is no reason why the beauty has to be associated with the smooth skin. All of our selections are different, and that's the real beauty, terms tomatoes that do not normally would be sold in this way to our consumers, "he explained.

The tomato, along with avocado, fresh product that creates more waste in the food industry. The Waitrose now sells several fruit and vegetables with the strangely, like carrots, potatoes, courgettes, strawberries, plums, apples and cauliflowers â€" and, according to the Guardian, will continue to put more and more so-called products made in their stores as a way to reduce waste.

In the case of tomato, a one pound box includes several species, from cherry to the baby, which typically are ignored because it fell on the ground or have a strange way. Each box costs €3,60 (R$11,20).

In recent years, associations and activists linked to food have criticized the obsession of supermarkets by perfect products â€" including the discretion of retailers, which leads to the creation of an endless mountain of food waste.

Foto:  marlenedd / Creative Commons

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USA: young 14 years builds home in 18 months

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Sicily Kolbeck, a young girl of 14 years who lives in the State of Georgia, United States, just recently a megalomaniac project for her age: she built with the help of some people, a small house.

Sicily decided to build this small annex 12 years when he was, for a school project. Without any experience in the field of construction, Sicily has accepted the help of father, Dane. Initially, the young lady concerned to arrange financing for the construction.

In just one month, she managed its initial objective, € 1,800 ($ 5,600) and launched the blog of the project, called La Petite Maison. The father, enthusiastic for bricolage, began to put the House up, but Sicily had to help him.

Then, there was a tragedy. Dane died in a car accident, and Sicily has lost all interest in the project. A few months later, however, a friend of Dane convinced her to finish the job, to honor his father.

Taking advantage of the fact that Luke Bair, father's friend, be civil constructor, Sicily learned to wield the tools safely and, a year later, was finally able to build your dream home-La Petite Maison.

According to Bair, the House will be worth about € 12,300 ($ 37,400) and can be moved from one place to another â€" and that's what will happen, in the forthcoming summer vacation.

See some of the pictures of the various phases of the project and read the whole story on CNN (in English).

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Thursday, May 29, 2014

Rock in Rio will donate leftover food to two institutions

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In big events there's always food for consumption that ends up in the trash. However, the Organization of Rock in Rio wants to counter this trend and like previous editions will donate food leftovers are fit for consumption the institutions which then will distribute by those who need it most.

The food will be donated to Re-Food4Good and Dariacordar. "We tried to get out of here without waste," says Dora Palma, sustainability Coordinator of Rock in Rio.

Foods that are not fit for consumption will be used for composting.

In 2012, the Rock in Rio collected 570 meals, breads, salads, 245 330 430 sandwiches, soups and desserts 270 135 catering Home of the Marquis, who were delivered by Dariacordar to work, the Nazarene distributed for needy families in the village of Malone.

Other 1,050 sandwiches, breads, sandwiches 207 602 leitão, 97 breads with chorizo, 53 40 chicken meals, pizzas, hamburgers, 25 more than 3 pounds of fried dough and nine cakes of "Best Chocolate Cake in the world" were collected by Re-Food4Good and delivered to local charities.

The Food Bank received 1,419 still pounds of assorted sandwiches, 95 pounds of precooked dishes, 36 pounds of fruit and 379 liters of water.

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Portugal in 26th place in the misery index (with LIST)

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Portugal is in 26th place in the misery index, an indicator created by economist Arthur Melvin Okun and you want to measure a country's economic deterioration. Compared to the previous year, Portugal about a place--that is, passed to a more negative climate â€" mercy especially in the unemployment rate.

Although little known as an indicator, the misery index helps you figure out what's going on, economically, in every country. To calculate ponder three variables: the level of unemployment among the countries, the level of interest rates and the rate of inflation, along with the rate of growth of GDP per capita of each country.

According to the El Blog Salmon, the result reflects the impoverishment of the citizens of the various countries, so that is how much bigger the index, the greater the poverty.

Created by Okun, the index was modified in 1999, by Robert Barro, an economist at the University of Hardval and the following year by Steve Hanke, Johns Hopkins University economist.

This year's ranking is led by Venezuela, with 79.4 points, followed by Iran, Serbia, Argentina (the photo depicts the suburbs of Buenos Aires), Jamaica, Egypt and, imagine, of Spain. South Africa, Brazil and Greece complete the top 10.

Foto:  Roger Schultz / Creative Commons

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Zoo celebrates 130 years with enchanted forest made of recycled packaging waste

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More than 16 tonnes of recycled packaging was used in street furniture that will retrain the enchanted forest of the Zoo. The new space, renovated with the support of the company green dot, was today presented at the Lisbon Zoo, coinciding with the celebration of 130 years.

To support the renewal of this space, the company green dot intends to demonstrate to citizens that several useful objects may result from recycling of used packaging, also contribute to promoting the use of recycled materials. Being a Zoo space of information and awareness about environment and biodiversity dedicated above all to a very young audience, it is very important that may have real examples of application of packaging after their recycling.

"The Zoo plays a fundamental role in the protection and conservation of nature, reason why we support this project. At the same time, the company green dot intends to demonstrate that recycling may give rise to various objects we use every day, giving a new life to used packaging that they put in the recycling bin, "pointed out a moment ago Luis Veiga Malik, CEO of green dot Corporation.

This new area will also provide info on birds that are part of the presentation, as well as some that are, in Portugal, facing extinction. It was also renewed the existing signs and created a play area for children with "bird houses", all made from recycled plastic.

Also in commemoration of his 130 anniversary, the zoo will be certified by FSC Services green dot 3R6. For the first time in its history, the zoo will have ecopoints for the public can separate the used packaging around the enclosure.

The intervention in space of the old parque das merendas will allow green dot society demonstrate that packages placed in the recycling bin and recycled can transform themselves into new materials closing its cycle.

See what products were recycled to create the enchanted forest, and in what quantity.

â€" 150,000 packets of crisps

66,000-shampoo packaging

90,000-yogurt cups

100,000-shopping bags

230,000-plastic bottles

250 â€" recycled tires

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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

As the small fish escape their predators

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Hundreds of thousands of fish moving as one, forming a gigantic swirling around a group of divers in the Devil's Cave in the Cayman Islands, Caribbean.

The magnificent photographs were taken by Ellen Cuylaerts, Belgian of 44 years, during a trip of several divers on this famous cave. The photos speak for themselves: the school creates a sort of silvery light wave, swimming inside of underwater caves the cave.

The little fish believes in strength in numbers, confusing predators while nothing like a great wave.

"Every year, the predators and divers await the arrival of these fish. But, to swim in unison, they manage to escape and make the growing wave, "explains Ellen, which resides in the Cayman Islands.

Every year, millions of small fish arrive ashore the Caymans, between June and August. with a size between 2.5 and 10 centimeters, these fish have to hide in caves until they have sufficient size to survive alone.

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New urbanization opposite the beach of Carcavelos will today vote

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The restructuring Urban detail plan of Carcavelos South at Quinta dos Ingleses in Carcavelos, tonight voted at the Centro Cultural de Cascais, where will be held the municipal Assembly.

If approved, the plan provides for an investment of €393 million over 20 years and the creation of 4500 jobs. The works arising from the plan to integrate in the public domain, are calculated at €29 million.

The plan provides for the restructuring of the urban territory, aiming at the implementation of an urban park of relevant dimension, a health centre, a school EB1 (pre-school and first cycle), two playing fields â€" with and without stands-a parish Center with day care center, a training center ever, culture equipment, nest of 930 companies and, above all, Fireworks, a hotel and trade. Will be also built new parking de apoio à praia.

It is recalled that this plan has already been criticized by various associations, having been created, including petitions to keep the project going forward â€" the petition Save Carcavelos already has 3,200 signatures.

The signatories of the petition claim that this "urban play that is being undertaken will destroy the entire coastal zone of the parishes of wall and Carcavelos", not only in terms of quality of life but also environmentally and socially ". Also moves as the forum for Carcavelos or Citizenship Cascais appealed to citizens who do not agree with the adoption of the document to move tonight, the center of Cascais, Culture as a sign of protest.

According to Cash, the two movements should proceed to judicial remedies, if the plan is approved, claiming that the construction will have a negative impact on the environment as well as prevent the practice of surfing in the area.

Also the Assembly of the Union of parishes of Carcavelos-wall is against approval of the plan. And the Assembly of the Republic already has a request for qualification of the historical heritage area, through the left bloc.

Remember what is at stake tonight, in Cascais.

Photo: João Dias-Photographer/Creative Commons

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NASA discloses collective selfie of planet Earth

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Remember this invitation made by NASA to the commemoration of Earth Day? More than 50 thousand people posted their selfies in social networks â€" with the hashtag #globalselfie â€" to help the space agency to celebrate earth day, celebrated on April 22, in a different way.

Last Thursday, exactly one month after the commemorative date, NASA disclosed the huge selfie for you built in the form of mosaic â€" composed of more than 36 thousand pictures of people who participated in the game.

The collage was made up of a picture of the planet taken April 22, from NASA's own satellites and NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration).

If the reader put a picture on the net â€" with the hashtag #globalselfie, of course â€" you can see in this image of 3.2 gigapixels, whether it was used. But beware, of course, this is a Herculean task. Still, the picture can be enlarged, to facilitate â€" or hinder, depends on â€" the search.

This global selfie also marked the launch into space of eight NASA missions, which will spend the next year to observe the Earth to help solve some of the greatest environmental challenges of today, such as global warming, rising mean sea level and lack of water.

Foto: MAURO CATEB/Creative Commons

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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Japan will build ice wall to prevent leaks of nuclear power plant in Fukushima Prefecture

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In March, the Japanese Government announced a plan of €344,6 million for the construction of a giant wall of ice, hoping to contain the radiation from the nuclear power plant in Fukushima. Now, the bizarre project received the green light and the construction is expected to begin soon.

Although the project may seem like a joke and analogies with the series Game of Thornes more than evident, the Japanese project has its differences from the saga. The proposed wall will be built underground, where engineers will freeze the soil under the Fukushima nuclear plant, in an attempt to prevent radiation leaks that are contaminating the soil and water.

The authority for Nuclear Regulation indicates that construction should start in July and will begin with the blocking of groundwater from nearby hillsides, referred to Inhabitat. These waters have drained into the basement of the central and has mixed with contaminated water with radiation, which were used to cool the reactors after the earthquake and tsunami of March 2011.

Subsequently, the water will circulate in a special refrigerator in order to create a great wall of 1.5 kilometres which will contain the entry of groundwater. Although the project has been approved, the Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) will have to review other parts of the project if there is danger to existing structures, such as the underground drainage systems.

Although scientists assert that the project might work, nothing has been built on this scale previously, especially in the temporal period proposed. If the ice wall works and contains the radiation leaks, TEPCO can continue to dismantle the central Fukishima, an operation that can take several decades. The area surrounding the power plant still off-limits due to high levels of radiation.

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SPV ensures compensation of the carbon emissions of Rock In Rio

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For the third consecutive Edition, Rock In Rio will be carbon neutral, relying on the certification for forwarding for recycling of 3R6 waste generated in their enclosure. This offsetting carbon emissions have the seal of the green dot services, which assigns the label Zero carbon Premium.

This one, which will be awarded for the first time to a music event, ensures that are offset all carbon emissions into the atmosphere, issued the public wants for part of the Organization, including movement of bands and their goods, energy consumption, movement of people and goods from partners (sponsors and suppliers), treatment of waste produced.

To compensate for the emissions that may be generated in the 2014 Edition, the Organization of Rock In Rio will plant 118 thousand trees, until 2016, in burnt areas of Portugal.

"Rock in Rio was the first event in Portugal and in Brazil to join the 3R6, and also for being the first music event to neutralize the climate impact with the seal Zero carbon Premium. The image that used to be usual at the end of concerts, abandoned waste on empty enclosure, belongs to the past increasingly. Rock in Rio has pioneered and has been an example of good environmental practices and is the event where more recycles in Portugal, raising the bar for sustainability that intended for the big events, "pointed out in comunicdo Luis Veiga Malik, CEO of green dot Corporation.

In total the last three editions of the Rock in Rio-Lisbon were forwarded for recycling more than 80 tons of plastic and metal containers; 37 tons of paper and cardboard and 9 tonnes of glass packaging.

In close collaboration with the company green dot in the 2012 Edition were sent for recycling approximately 32% of the waste produced, between the Assembly and disassembly of the event. Of the remaining residues, 56% were recovered energetically and 2% received organic.

Giant recycling facility "feeds" social cause

The success of the waste management strategy of Rock in Rio-Lisbon depends on a lot of cooperation from the public. Indeed, the recycling of packaging will join the animation of the enclosure, sensitizing the participants of the event to its benefits. In return of packaging waste deposited by the participants, such as plastic cups, pizza boxes or bottles of water, Green Point society will offer prizes and support a social action, contributing to more meals arrive who else needs.

In addition to contributing to a social cause and to improve the environment, to deposit their packaging in ecoponto green dot society all who travel to the Rock in Rio-Lisbon can still claim one of the t-shirts designed specially for music festivals in which the company green dot's presence, in which the logos of iconic Portuguese bands and musicians were associated with recycling.

Implemented for the first time in Rock in Rio-Lisbon 2008, 3R6 joined forever the history of the event to the genesis of the seal, which ensures that the waste produced in the events are properly forwarded to the final destination by following the management hierarchy of 3R: reduce, reuse and recycle. The objective is the reduction of waste production and maximising the quantities sent to recycling and recovery.

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The first renewable energy co-operative in Portugal (with video)

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The roofs of the daycare tortoise and the Hare, right in the Centre of Lisbon, were covered by photovoltaic panels that enable an annual production of electricity of more than 30,000 Kw/h, enough to supply 13 families.

All this was made possible due to the emergence of Coopérnico, the first cooperative dedicated to the production of renewable energy in Portugal, an idea of a group of 16 citizens who share a concern with sustainable development.

"[The partnership] is doing a lease the roof â€" or another space that will allow us to install our production plants. At the end of this period, we have given the equipment free of charge to the institution or association. Thus, this shall benefit from all the electricity that is produced, "explained to the green economy Jorge Nuno Brito, President of Coopérnico.

Currently, the rental period is 15 years, being that the equipment have a guarantee of production of 25 years. In the case of the kindergarten Turtle and the Hare, owned by the Portuguese Association of parents and friends of mentally deficient Citizen (APPACDM), alia, spectacularly, to social solidarity.

"To be aligned on projects of this nature and being able to bring other organizations for this type of projects, is an advantage for everyone, for the Country and children who are here," said John Davis, one of the leaders of MENTALLY DISABLED CHILDREN.

Is also a form of the Coopérnico help social economy associations or organisations to find an alternative source of funding. "In this case, a day-care center, is also a way to contribute to education," concluded Nuno Brito Jorge.

The Coopérnico has several other projects designed for the short and medium term, but lack legislation for its compliance. "We are living through a period of transition, in Portugal, between the previous scheme, subsidised rates, and the new regime of self-consumption. Right now, that delays the implementation of new projects ", explained Nuno Jorge.

Anyone can be a member of this ecological cooperative and participate in energy projects. For it is only necessary to fill in the membership form available on the page Coopérnico and acquire at least three titles of share capital, amounting to € 60 (R$184,7).

Foto: bradleygee/Creative Commons

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Monday, May 26, 2014

USA: library of Congress wants to destroy CD in support of science

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The library of Congress of the United States is asking Americans to donate the CD obsolete they have in their homes. The aim is not to investigate the data that the devices contain nor use them for artistic purposes, but rather for purposes of scientific research.

In essence, the library wants to destroy the CD (compact disc) for the lowdown. The investigation is being conducted by the Center for Analytical Science Samples, which deals with "destructive testing" to determine the best methods of preservation for the various library collections, including the CDs. Second Fenella France, Director of testing and conservation of library, the lab is conducting a series of tests in order to better understand the aging process of the CD.

"We are trying to understand, in terms of what kind of CD collections are at greater risk," explained France, quoted by Consequence of Sound. "The problem is that different producers have different formulas for the manufacture of objects, it is hard to see how articles grow older because the producers were modifying the composition of objects over time and its properties of information". "All modern formats were not designed to last a long time. Were developed for mass production ".

And how are they destroyed these CD? Not with baseball bats or hammers, certainly. Is being used an accelerated aging machine that creates extreme conditions of heat and humidity. Some of the CD exposed to these conditions eventually oxidize and lose the data.

More than understand the forms of conservation of CD, the unit of investigation is also studying the ways people treat the CD. For example, one should always get a CD by opening the middle. And if you wrote at the top of a burned CD, to know when that match the data, prepare yourself, because most likely this CD be spoiled in a short time.

"People are usually more concerned with the risks at the bottom of the CD. However, it is possible to damage a CD when writing on top because the ink is absorbed and damages the reflective metal layer ", explains the researcher.

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How to make colored pencils in a ring

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The American Peter Brown, a carpenter in his spare time, created a small and simple piece of jewelry as a hobby, far from knowing how popular the artifact would make. This American created a ring made of crayons.

First, Brown joined some hexagon-shaped pencil. Subsequently, pasted them with liquid glue and cut the hexagon crosswise into several pieces. Then he drilled a hole in one of those pieces, the width of your finger. This bit stuck was filed and sanded, acquiring a rounded shape, referred to Bored Panda. Finally, the ring was varnished.

The ring eventually became so popular that Peter Brown can barely cope with the number of orders. See some of the pictures.

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Expo 2015: Italy Pavilion will generate energy and purify the air

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Next year, Milan will host another edition of the World Exposition, Expo. Recently, the atelier Nemesi & Partners unveiled Palazzo Italy, the flag of the country. The building will be an infrastructure with six floors with a capacity to generate their own electricity, at the same time that purifies the air.

Designed to mimic an urban forest, the exterior facade is composed of more than 900 panels that form a geometric texture, creating outlines of light and shadow in the Pavilion. After the event finished the flag will stay in place, serving as example for sustainable architecture.

The external façade of Palazzo Italy is made of a special type of concrete with air purifying properties, according to the architects responsible for the project, "when exposed to direct sunlight, the active principle that was embedded in the material captures certain air pollutants and converts them into inert salts, helping to purify the air smog", referred to in Inhabitat.

Inspired by the traditional villages of Italy, the internal structure of the building takes the form of a central square. Four adjacent blocks will surround this square, providing space for exhibitions, events, offices and meeting rooms.

The Nemesi & Partners won an international competition, held in 2013, to choose the entity you were conceiving the Pavilion.

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Sunday, May 25, 2014

The inside an abandoned textile factory?

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Abandoned in 1980, this textile factory of Tal-y-bont, near Aberystwyth, Wales, retains colors like that nevertheless laboured for decades. In distant times, the factory was a cent of innovation of the textile industry, but today is a place haunted by rusted out machines and objects that have been left behind long ago.

The pictures were taken by Dan Circa, 29 years, which we had brought a 17th-century cottage. "The amount of machinery and articles left behind is something you don't see every day. There are things that should be in a Museum, "said Circa.

"I was surprised with the drawers, which were all placed in order, and I was shocked to see that the story is not being preserved," continued.

The old factory was producing quality suits, until globalization dictated the end. Too bad there, as here, the story is not preserved.

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Does milk really helps strengthen bones?

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Currently, the milk is synonymous with strong bones. Has long been a recommendation by most doctors to their patients. All above eight years of age shall include at least three glasses of milk in their daily diet. However, in recent years various experts began to question the true benefits of milk in the construction and maintenance of bone mass. Does milk really helps strengthen bones?

One of the main components of the milk is calcium. This mineral gives structural strength to bones and teeth and helps the human body to perform other functions such as blood clotting and the transmission of nerve impulses. Normally, the body absorbs calcium you need through diet but, if the diet is poor in this mineral, the body begins to remove calcium from the bones and teeth, making them weaker. Hence the recommendation of daily ingestion of milk or dairy products.

However, in recent years, many researchers have come to argue that milk can cause a loss of calcium in bones. The theory, known as "ashes of acid", argues that the digestion of milk produces acidic residues that make urine (and as such, the body) more acidic. To compensate for this acidification, the body will seek to alkaline mineral reserves-to neutralize the acidity â€" like calcium.

After this theory have been submitted, some scientists have tried to disprove and in 2011 argued that the hypothesis was across-the-Board and fallacious, referred to the Huffington Post. These researchers argue, for example, that the pH of urine is not indicative of body pH. Additionally, parallel studies argue that the consumption of milk makes the urine more alkaline and acid-free.

Although other parallel studies argue that the rate of bone fractures is greater in countries that consume more dairy products, research published in 2011 indicate that there are other factors influencing bone health beyond the type of diet practiced, such as physical activity, genetics and weight. In fact the higher rate of bone fractures in developed countries may be due to overweight and sedentary and not the consumption of milk.

The discussion on the ingestion of milk continues to be controversial in the scientific community. However, in General, the investigations indicate that the consumption of dairy products is beneficial to bone health, in part because of the other nutrients that make up milk beyond calcium.

Foto: Rob Ellis '/Creative Commons

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The best underwater photos of the world

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Almost 8,000 photographers participated in the contest of which, as its name indicates, the best underwater pictures in the world. The competition is divided into 17 categories â€" all to the same common denominator.

The photos that we share here were almost all worked meticulously, because the contest has a respected reputation â€" the site has a community of over 20 thousand active members, being the reference when it comes to underwater photography.

Founded by Benny Sutton in 1996, the site took off at a time when the internet was still in its infancy. Initially, it consisted mainly of images and articles of Sutton.

As the technologies and skills of Ben rose, the site has become more interactive and gained followers. The first competition of 1998 date photos â€" some of the greatest underwater photographers in the world started his career here.

Today, the leads the information and photographs related to the underwater world. See some of the pictures, winners of this year's contest.

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Saturday, May 24, 2014

Global warming can extinguish male turtles

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A new study on common sea turtles of the Atlantic has been stressing the need to preserve the species, since the long-term global warming will end with one of the sexes of these animals to exist only female turtles.

We have long known that the reproduction of reptiles is rather sensitive to temperatures, leading to a variation in the ratio of males and females to hatch the eggs. For sea turtles are the key temperature 29 degrees Celsius. If the eggs develop at temperatures higher than this, the turtles that hatch will be mostly females. If temperatures exceed constantly the 30.5 degrees, one of the sexes of sea turtles can be convicted.

The short term, this higher ratio of female turtles may be beneficial, since the natural reproduction is enhanced. However, the long term may be harmful and lead to the extinction of the species.

According to Graeme Hays, professor at Deakin University and author of the study, the higher temperatures represent a "serious" threat to populations of turtles. "It will be the end of the story if there is no human intervention" indicates.

The decline in populations of turtles, powered by heating, is already being observed in the green turtles in the Caribbean and the study reveals that the number of specimens decreased by 1%.

Also the increase in the level of sea water caused by melting of ice caps, can have a negative impact on populations of sea turtles. "The increase in the level of the water results in loss of area of the beaches where the turtles lay their eggs, which can also put the species at risk," said Hays.

See a selection of photos of sea turtles.

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Foto: SNORKELINGDIVES.COM/MiguelVieira/mahinui/NathanF/jurvetson/SteFou! /Julie Lynn/Fuzzy Gerdes/

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Overcrowding could lead to cannibalism, argues professor from Stanford

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In 1968, professor Paul Ehrlich and his wife, Anne, published the book "the rising pump", a bestseller that warned for a period of great famine, in the world, in the 70 and 80, due to population growth.

The theories of Ehrlich, a professor at the respected Stanford University, eventually becoming true, especially in the poorest countries, despite all the controversy of the topic. Agoa, Ehrlich returned to the predictions, but this time more macabre.

According to the professor, the overcrowding will lead us to cannibalism and even to eat our dead.

"We will soon be asking us if we can eat the bodies of our dead, because we are all hungry," explained the charge at HuffPost. According to Ehrlich, the population growth will lead to a new food crisis, and this cannibalism.

According to Ehrlich, the scarcity of resources will be so critical that the humans will have to drastically change their eating habits and agricultural processes. "[Mankind 's] moving towards [the cannibalism] at a ridiculous speed," continued.

"In other words, between now and the next 45 years, 2.5 billion people will join the Planet. We are moving towards a resource war ", he concluded.

The issue of overcrowding was recently approached by author Dan Brown, in his book Hell, and by the Ehrlich, in his book Hope on Earth.

Photo: Vomitiva Poetry/Creative Commons

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Friday, May 23, 2014

Grândola: garbage collected by the sea will be valued

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The trash collected by 200 Brigade volunteers from the sea, in the municipality of Grândola, Alentejo, is valued. This is the first time that the Association will these residues, despite the gathering takes place annually since 2009.

According to the Association, the schoolchildren, youth and senior of the parishes of Carvalhal and Melides is already proceeding with the separation of waste collected on beaches.

In the first year, the Brigade of the sea-beach cleaning project, held annually during 15 days between Troy and Melides-collected about 30 tonnes of waste. In 2010 about fifty volunteers gathered 15 tons of garbage. In the following years appeared even more volunteers, who joined enterprises, involving a total of about 500 people.

"The amount of garbage removed in the last five editions exceeds 80 tons, being notorious still result in recovery of the dunes and vegetation pioneer," explained Green Savers Cindy Santos, communication Division of the municipality of Grândola.

In recent years, the project has collected several tons of hazardous waste, of pills the corrosive liquids, oil drums, syringes or animal carcasses.

"Year after year, increase the logistical support, visibility, and the willingness to proceed with this project. The decrease in the quantity of waste collected is a sign that after all worth it believe that the difference in attitude is possible, "concluded the responsible.

Sea Brigade represents Portugal in this edition of let's Clean Europe and had already been distinguished, previously, with an honorable mention on Green Project Awards.

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Formula 1 for electric vehicles make great advertising campaign

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The formula and ecological alternative to Formula 1, is looking for an advertising agency to promote the new sport worldwide, proof that the project is investing heavily to reach the masses.

According to Brand Republic, the formula and asked creative proposals to four agencies, which will have in finding an advertising strategy to make the new sport appealing to consumers and media.

Earlier this year, 10 cities will be stage of racing and formula: Beijing (China), Putrajava (Malaysia), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), Punta del Este (Uruguay), Buenos Aires (Argentina), Los Angeles and Miami (United States), Monte Carlo (Monaco), Berlin (Germany) and London (United Kingdom).

The competition kicks off on 13 September in Beijing, and ends June 27, 2015, in London. "The formula and is a new brand of entertainment, which has the electric motor in the heart," explained Charles Davies, head of marketing of the project.

The formula and will be part of the FIA (International Automobile Federation) and was announced in 2012. The original version of the project included 10 teams and 20 pilots and was designed through a partnership with Formula and Holdings (FEH), based in London. Some of the drivers have experience of Formula 1, Jarno Trulli, Narain Karthikeyan or Nick Heidfeld.

One of the main objectives of the competition is to support the research and development of electric cars. Now, with the new campaign, the formula and expects to receive spectators and new supporters to the environmentally-friendly cars. Arrive at the formula 1 notoriety, at least in the short to medium term, it will be impossible, but the announcement of this global advertising campaign is confirmation that investors of FEH and FIA are truly betting the new sport.

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Carlos Mourao Parker recognized by architectural work for the blind

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The Portuguese architect Carlos Mourao Pereira was this week awarded the Nossa Senhora da Esperança Foundation Prize of 2014, award that recognizes the "high scientific merit" from the set of his works in the area of innovative architecture for the blind and in recognition of his extensive resume as a researcher and University lecturer.

Second advanced the promoters of the initiative, quoted by the newspaper Building, for this distinction was also considered the doctoral thesis of this investigator, himself blind, about "the multi-sensory dimension of architecture â€" A qualitative approach to sea bathing space centered on invisibility".

It is, according to the jury, an investigation that globally contributes original mode for the deepening of knowledge about the problems of relationship between the sea bathing space and its use, whether for blind or low vision users, either by normovisuais users ".

Instituted in 2013, the FNSE Prize will be awarded every three years and aims to distinguish an individuality (natural or legal person) that for his thinking or action has contributed to the construction of a society that values especially respect for difference and diversity as a fundamental value of the human condition, through works, jobs and careers with cultural or scientific value of recognised merit in society.

The prize will be awarded formally in ceremony scheduled for July 20 in Castelo de Vide, where the institution has its seat and maintains its activity.

The decision was made by an independent jury, which includes such personalities as Rui Vieira Nery, Carlos Ferreira, Augusto Deodato Warrior, Francisco Sepúlveda Teixeira and José Luís Porfírio.

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Thursday, May 22, 2014

Costa da Caparica celebrates 30 years of protected landscape

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30 years ago today that the Costa da Caparica fossil cliff, on the South Bank of the Tejo, was classified as a protected landscape. The aim was to preserve the geomorphologic characteristics and natural communities exist on site, promoting your biological equilibrium and scenic, but not everything went well.

"The Costa da Caparica protected landscape is located near major urban centres and bathing with interest, [for it] has undergone several changes caused by human activities, which manifests itself in high pressure urban motor traffic, illegal construction and dumping of waste," explains the NGO environment Quercus.

The strong tourist pressure is reflected in the construction of second homes, illegal camping and misuse of the dune area to practice sport all-terrain. On the other hand, the intensive farming and grazing practices not contralado contribute to the degradation of the quality of surface and ground waters. "Despite having already been implemented a dune recovery program, the invasive alien species continue to be a concern due to its Adaptive character and strong urban pressure, which favors its spread," continues the Quercus.

It's not all bad news, however. The arriba fossil, which is the result of an ancient arriba that due to marine regression, is no longer in contact with the sea, constitutes the most significant landscape element of the protected area, extending to the Lagoa da Albufeira.

The creation of protected landscape allowed value the existing natural heritage and increase knowledge about the site. Programs have been developed for monitoring of waterfowl in ponds of Albufeira, Small and of the Stockade, with the development of studies on ecological distribution of relevant species such as Otter, cabrera's rat and Vipera latastei.

Were also identified and monitored bats and increased scientific research in the lagoon and maritime domain. There was also an increase of biodiversity of marine fauna in the lagoa de Albufeira, due to the implementation of a plan which included the correct opening of the lagoon to the sea, conducting periodic drainage and imposition of limitations to anthropogenic activities.

Today, there are 169 terrestrial fauna species inventoried, 10 of which have ecological values higher.

The opportunities

The unique features that characterize the landscape protected from Costa da Caparica fossil cliff, explains the Quercus, give it enormous potential in sectors such as tourism, agriculture, fishing or scientific research.

To this end, the Quercus proposes a set of actions, ranging from creating a program of renaturation of coastline that includes the dune vegetation recovery and demolition of infrastructure built on top of the dunes to the total conditioning construction and urban and tourist expansion.

It is also necessary to establish protection zones for priority species, implement conservation measures of the forest area of the National Forest of Fears â€" including sustainable forestry â€" promote ecotourism activities and promote the development of scientific research studies.

Quercus also developed a framework with an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of Costa da Caparica. See more below. Before, remember some of the most breathtaking landscapes of the coast.

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Fotos: iketaka/Gusty/andruby/berther/mimolag/Creative Commons







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Green House: an eco-hostel that blends with the beauty of Baleal (with video)

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In February, we talked about the Green House, a hostel of Baleal which leads to ecology and sustainability to the next level. It is present everywhere: in decoration, furniture, food, products or services.

Today, our colleagues in the green economy went through the Green House and put some color and movement to our report. Or rather, the concept of green economy this Villa transformed into 100% ecological accommodation by Telmo Vital, a year ago.

"The Green House had part of its decoration made with pallets. It was here that started the idea, in the reuse of materials, both for decoration and for the structure of the House itself, "said Telmo Vital.

When he entered the project, explains the responsible, his idea was to turn any site into a cathedral of sustainability. "If we had six pallets, wanted us to spend for the 300, or pass of 10 boxes of fruit for the two hundred", he stressed.

Part of the decoration is created with the garbage that gives to the coast, which is then worked by local artists, by employees or volunteers, especially foreigners, to travel and work in Exchange for stay. "The typical profile of our guests looking for surfing and the beach, but there is also a concern for the environment".

The Green House has three bedrooms and space for ten guests, who are instilled with concerns the environment, through the bet in habits and products: organic and biodegradable detergents, bulbs of low consumption, the homemade breakfast and products purchased locally, rather than small producers.

To complete the cycle of sustainability, Green House promotes trade fairs and is the collection of books and toys to some institutions of Peniche. Learn more in episode 255 of the green economy.

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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Brazil prepares fine for those who throw cigarette butts on the floor

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The Chamber of deputies of Brazil is studying a project that establishes a eur33 ticket ($ 100) for those who throw cigarette butts on the ground or any other product linked to the habit of smoking, like cigarillos and cigars.

If the proposal is approved, it will be forbidden "throwing down cigarettes filters of the roads, squares, parks or any other areas and public places of public access". The fine shall be in charge of federal, State or municipal transit and double will be charged in case of recurrence.

According to the sustainable planet, the project puts in restaurants, bars and establishments that sell cigarettes to obligation to provide suitable containers to put the crumbs. Then, the materials will be recycled unusable â€" the rest will go to landfills.

On the other hand, the cigarette companies will be required to provide posters with the determinations of the law, which should be fixed in places of sale and consumption of these products. Who disrespect the rule will be penalised with a fine of €265 ($ 800), which will be charged double in case of recurrence.

The draft says that the Government and the manufacturers of cigarettes must develop educational policies aimed at popular awareness "when it comes to proper disposal of post-consumer waste, avoiding future environmental impacts."

The text will now have to spend in committees for environment and Sustainable Development and on Constitution and justice and citizenship. Then, and if approved, it will go directly to the Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff.

Photo: Ramon Cutanda / Creative Commons

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Ferrero wants to generate 75% of the energy consumed by their factories

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The Ferrero group, the world's fourth largest company in the area of confectionery, is promoting an international energy efficiency plan that will produce the equivalent of 75% of the energy consumed by all its European factories by the end of 2014.

According to the Consumer, the plan was presented at the Embassy of Italy in Lisbon, and also wants to express the company's commitment to human rights, environment, natural resources and the promotion of healthy living habits.

The company explains that materialized in advance one of the objectives for 2020 â€" reduce energy consumption per unit of output by 5%. In the same report, the company explains that also declined in 20% of global water consumption.

On the other hand, the six raw materials used in the manufacture of its products â€" cacao, hazelnuts, sugar cane, palm oil, coffee and eggs-are sustainable source and in balance with the natural resources development.

The Italian group, responsible for the Nutella and Ferrero, Kinder brands, will still implement traceability plans and ensure natural sources of supply for its agricultural products such as hazelnuts or sugarcane.

Ferrero set still targets for reducing emissions and greenhouse gases and will decrease by 40% CO2 emissions derived from production activities.

In 2013, the company has reduced by more than 30 thousand tons of CO2 emitted, which is equivalent to the total annual emissions of 14 thousand cars. Additionally, because CO2 emissions also derive from the product distribution, was also established the objective of 30% reduction in emissions of greenhouse gases originated in the activities of transport and storage.

Foto: ninacoco/Creative Commons

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Barbados will host world environment day

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Barbados, a small Caribbean island with 280 000 inhabitants, will host of world environment day, which commemorates the day on June 5. The tiny island was chosen by UNEP (United Nations Environment) the measures it has taken to combat global warming.

This year, UNEP intends to draw attention to the challenges faced by small island developing States. The celebrations will flow date for five days, with the theme "expand your voice, not sea level".

During this week, the UNEP will discuss adaptation technologies, the sustainable business, resource management, and protected areas and local culture.

To combat the rise in mean sea level, Barbados included the green economy in their six key objectives of the national strategic plan. The nation has undertaken to increase to 29% the participation of renewable energies in the energy matrix until 2029, a goal that would cut more than €205 billion ($ 620 billion) on total cost of electricity and reduce CO2 emissions by 4.5 million tonnes.

See some pictures of this beautiful â€" but threatened-island.

Fotos: Ben124. /Creative Commons

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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Serbian architects build Noah's Ark against natural disasters

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The architects Serbs Aleksandar Joksimvic and Jelena Nikolic have designed a floating city, self-sustaining and resilient to natural disasters. Able certainly to survive at diluvianas rains that have originated the biblical story of Noah's Ark.

The city's name is Noah's Ark and can be installed in the middle of any ocean safely. According to the architects, she can manage themselves alone, without relying on the rest of the world to survive.

In fact, this town does not stick to a single infrastructure. Are several arcas interconnected through submarine cables, and all will have flexible stalks prey with columns at the bottom of the ocean.

According to the architects, the sides of the island are large enough to protect the residents of strong storms and even tsunamis â€" each has about 64 feet long.

In case of an emergency there is also a plan B, no less futuristic: the potential residents can flee to giant air balls that are in tunnels covered, not vulnerable to external climate, which are flood-proof.

One of the vital factors for the sustainability of this town relates to energy. She will come from three sources: tides, Sun and wind. The water will be collected through a funding system that extends through the entire island. The entire structure of the project will be covered with artificial coral, which attracts marine life and encourages the emergence of new ecosystems with.

Here are some pictures of the project.

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Giant virus discovered in the Brazilian Amazon

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A team of researchers from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), in partnership with the University Aix-Marseille in France, a new giant virus discovered in the waters of the Rio Negro, in the Amazon in Brazil. The virus, strangely named Samba, is the largest ever identified in the country: he is 12 times the size of the dengue virus and 100 times more genetic material.

Scientists analyzed the samples in the laboratory and have managed to isolate the virus inside an Amoeba â€" to reproduce, the virus need parasitize other organisms. The discovery was published last Wednesday, in the journal Virology.

According to Jonathan Abraham, professor of Virology at UFMG and lead author of the study, a possible explanation for the size of Samba is the high amount of genetic material necessary for the adaptation of the virus to the place where he lives. "The Rio Negro is a acid medium, unlike other rivers," said the researcher to See Brazilian magazine.

The virus encodes proteins, 1,000 Samba is comprised of 1.2 million base pairs of DNA and has 600 nanometres in size (each nanometre equals the millionth of a millimeter), against 50 nanometres of the dengue virus.

It may not be dangerous for man

It has not yet been possible to establish whether this virus can bring consequences to man, but Abraham explains that the fact that it is bigger and more complex doesn't make it necessarily more dangerous. The mimivirus (generic name given to the giant viruses) have been found in animals and in humans. "The mimivirus have been associated with cases of pneumonia, but the studies are not yet conclusive. If this is true, the disease must manifest itself only in people who have already had immune problems. I can't believe a mimivirus is the cause of an epidemic, "says Abraham.

Following this investigation, the scientists also announced the discovery of a virus, dubbed of Rio Negro, which infects the Samba. For this feature, the Black River is classified as a virófago, name given to a virus that another parasite. He is able to reduce the multiplication of Samba and cause defects in training in descendants.

According to Abraham, the Rio Negro is important for maintaining the Samba in balance. "Samba infects and destroys the amoebas very easily. Without the Negro River to curb their proliferation, he would eventually destroy all amoebas and become extinct, since you wouldn't have to reproduce, "he explains.

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